Python 正則表示式驗證密碼完整性
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-11
Regular Expression
1. Length between 8 and 32 characters ^[\s\S]{8,32}$ 2. ASCII visible and space characters only Rule: match A-Z,0-9,a-z and ASCII punctualtion no control characters, line breaks, characters out of the ASCII talbe are allowed ^[\x20-\x7E]+$ 3. One or more uppercase letters [A-Z]+ 4. One or more lowercase letters [a-z]+ 5. One or more numbers [0-9]+ 6. One or more special characters [ !"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>
[email protected][\\\]^_`{|}~] 7. Anything other than ASCII letters and numbers [^a-zA-Z0-9] 8. Disallow three or more sequential identical characters ([\s\S])\1\1 9. Mutil rules Length between 8 and 32 characters One or more upppercase letters One or more lowerercase letters One or more numbers ^(?=[\s\S]{8,32}$)(?=[\s\S]*[A-Z])(?=[\s\S]*[a-z])(?=[\s\S]*[0-9]).*