As of ADT 14, resource fields cannot be used as switch
For all of those who didn't resolve this problem yet - this is what i`v done:
- Go to your "" file.
- Delete this line " android.library=true"
The reason why i had this problem, was because i did a copy&paste the properties file into my project (was missing).
As of ADT 14, resource fields cannot be used as switch
For all of those who didn't resolve this problem yet - this is what i`v done: Go to your "" file.Delete this line " android.library=true
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這次看看新的異常: 這個的根本是因為模型欄位和資料庫不匹配導致的(好像之前是可以的) 資料庫中並沒有SeoInfo這個屬性(EF裡面導航屬性用的還是比較多的,這次換Dapper,這個肯定是少不了的,於是就折中了下,看看能不能讓Dapper忽略這個屬性) 解決方法:設定不可寫特性,writ
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