1. 程式人生 > >通過autoCAD-vba畫管道單線圖 [ v1.6 ]

通過autoCAD-vba畫管道單線圖 [ v1.6 ]


1、[v1.6] 單行NumPos=f, 設定編號顯示在圓點的哪個方位,
2、[v1.6] 編號前加f=,設定編號顯示在圓點的哪個方位,





Sub main()
    ' ==========================
    ' 功能:根據list.txt內容繪製單選圖
    ' 版本:v1.6
    ' 作者:[email protected] #bin.xu
    ' 時間:2018-05-27
    ' 0、字母說明:
    '    m: 起始座標
    '    u: 向上
    '    d: 向下
    '             f:前(北)
    '                |
    '    l:左(西)  ──├── r:右(東)
    '                |
    '             b:後(南)
    ' 1、功能說明:
    '    1.1、字母后跟線段長度的整數倍(<10),預設時為1個線段長度
    '    1.2、[v1.5] 支援空間方位,如lfu,表示左前上方
    '    1.3、[v1.5] 支援單引號註釋,單行或語句後方
    '    1.4、[v1.5] 自動儲存上次使用路徑
    '    1.5、[v1.6] 單行NumPos=f, 設定編號顯示在圓點的哪個方位,
    '                取值:f,b,l,r(前,後,左,右)其中一個
    '                作用範圍:直到下一個NumPos賦值,               左前右對齊
    '    1.6、[v1.6] 編號前加f=,設定編號顯示在圓點的哪個方位,
    '                取值:f,b,l,r(前,後,左,右)其中一個
    '                作用範圍:當前語句,
    '                優先順序:高於NumPos
    ' 2、例:
    '    m,100,100,100                 ' 起始座標
    '    f,ZQ2-YJxx-D114-abdc-1        ' 向前畫1個單位長度線段,
    '                                  ' 並標註焊口為ZQ2-YJxx-D114-abdc-1
    '    r,ZQ2-YJxx-D114-abdc-5w
    '    f2                            ' 向前畫2個單位長度線段
    '    l,ZQ2-YJxx-D114-abdc-6
    '    lfu,ZQ2-YJxx-D114-abdc-7      ' 左前上方畫線
    '    f,f=ZQ3-YJ01-N1-D114-3.4-77Z  ' 編號在圓點的前方標註
    '    NumPos=l                      ' 之後的編號在圓點左側標註
    ' ==========================

    ' 設定字型檔案
    Dim textStyle1 As AcadTextStyle
    Set textStyle1 = ThisDrawing.ActiveTextStyle
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    newFontFile = Application.Path & "\Fonts\txt.shx"
    textStyle1.Height = 10
    If fso.FileExists(newFontFile) Then
        textStyle1.fontFile = newFontFile
    End If
    listFilePath = ""
    ' 獲取~setting.tmp檔案
    strTmpPath = sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TMP%")
    strSetFileName = strTmpPath & "\~setting.tmp"
    If fso.FileExists(strSetFileName) Then
        Open strSetFileName For Input As #1
        Do While Not EOF(1)
            Line Input #1, rLine
            listFilePath = CStr(rLine)
        Close #1
    End If
    ' 獲取list.txt路徑
    listFilePath = InputBox("請輸入《list.txt》檔案路徑", "輸入", listFilePath)
    listFile = Replace(listFilePath, """", "") & "\list.txt"
    ' 畫圖
    ret_loc = "0,0,0"
    strNumPos = "f"
    If fso.FileExists(listFile) Then
        Open listFile For Input As #1
        Do While Not EOF(1)
            Line Input #1, rLine
            rLine = Trim(rLine)
            If Mid(rLine, 1, 1) <> "'" And CStr(rLine) <> "" Then
                If InStr(rLine, "'") <> 0 Then
                    rLine = Trim(Mid(rLine, 1, InStr(rLine, "'") - 1))
                End If
                If LCase(Mid(rLine, 1, 1)) = "m" Then
                    ret_loc = Mid(rLine, 3, Len(rLine) - 2)
                ElseIf LCase(Mid(rLine, 1, 6)) = "numpos" Then
                    strNumPos = Mid(StrReverse(rLine), 1, 1)
                    arr_xy = Split(ret_loc, ",")
                    ret_loc = fn_drawGroup(rLine, strNumPos, CDbl(arr_xy(0)), CDbl(arr_xy(1)), CDbl(arr_xy(2)))
                End If
            End If
        Close #1
    End If
    ' 西南等軸側
    'ThisDrawing.Application.ActiveDocument.SendCommand "-view" & vbCr & "swiso" & vbCr
    ThisDrawing.SendCommand "-view" & vbCr & "swiso" & vbCr
    ' 路徑寫入~setting.tmp檔案
    If fso.FileExists(listFile) Then
        Open strSetFileName For Output As #1
            Write #1, Replace(listFilePath, """", "")
        Close #1
    End If
End Sub

Function fn_drawGroup(strstr, strNumPos, x0, y0, z0)
    iLen = 80         ' 畫線長度
    iSize = 10        ' 字型高度
    tmpNumPos = strNumPos
    ' 獲取方位
    arrStr = Split(strstr, ",")
    strFirstSec = CStr(Trim(arrStr(0)))
    If IsNumeric(Mid(StrReverse(strFirstSec), 1, 1)) = True Then
        strDirection = LCase(Mid(strFirstSec, 1, Len(strFirstSec) - 1))
        strDirection = LCase(strFirstSec)
    End If
    ' 獲取倍數
    If Len(strFirstSec) > 1 And IsNumeric(Mid(StrReverse(strFirstSec), 1, 1)) = True Then
        iLen = iLen * CInt(Mid(StrReverse(strFirstSec), 1, 1))
    End If
    ' 轉換座標
    x1 = x0: y1 = y0: z1 = z0
    If InStr(strDirection, "f") <> 0 Then y1 = y0 + iLen
    If InStr(strDirection, "b") <> 0 Then y1 = y0 - iLen
    If InStr(strDirection, "l") <> 0 Then x1 = x0 - iLen
    If InStr(strDirection, "r") <> 0 Then x1 = x0 + iLen
    If InStr(strDirection, "u") <> 0 Then z1 = z0 + iLen
    If InStr(strDirection, "d") <> 0 Then z1 = z0 - iLen
    ' 畫線
    Call DrawPolyline(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
    If UBound(arrStr) = 1 Then
        strText = Replace(Trim(arrStr(1)), " ", "")
        ' 畫中間點
        Call DrawCircle((x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2, (z0 + z1) / 2)
        ' 獲取strNumPos
        If InStr(arrStr(1), "=") <> 0 Then
            tmpNumPos = Mid(strText, 1, 1)
            strText = Mid(strText, 3)
        End If
        ' 寫文字
        Call DrawText(strText, (x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2, (z0 + z1) / 2, iSize, tmpNumPos)
    End If
    fn_drawGroup = x1 & "," & y1 & "," & z1
End Function

Sub DrawPolyline(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
    Dim objPL As Acad3DPolyline
    Dim xyz(5) As Double
    xyz(0) = x0: xyz(1) = y0: xyz(2) = z0
    xyz(3) = x1: xyz(4) = y1: xyz(5) = z1
    Set objPL = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Add3DPoly(xyz)
    ' 上色
    Dim color As New AcadAcCmColor
    'Set color = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.19")
    color.SetRGB 0, 255, 255
    objPL.TrueColor = color
End Sub

Sub DrawCircle(x0, y0, z0)
    Dim r As Double
    Dim xyz(2) As Double
    Dim xyz0(2) As Double
    Dim outerLoop(0 To 0) As AcadEntity
    Dim hatchObj As AcadHatch
    r = 5   ' 圓半徑
    xyz(0) = x0: xyz(1) = y0: xyz(2) = z0
    xyz0(0) = x0: xyz0(1) = y0: xyz0(2) = 0
    PatternName = "SOLID"
    PatternType = 0
    bAssociativity = True
    Set outerLoop(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(xyz, r)    ' 畫圓
    Set hatchObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddHatch(PatternType, PatternName, bAssociativity)  ' 填充
    hatchObj.AppendOuterLoop (outerLoop)
    hatchObj.Move xyz0, xyz
    ThisDrawing.Regen True
End Sub

Sub DrawText(strText, x0, y0, z0, iSize, strNumPos)
    ' iSize: 字型尺寸
    Dim textObj As AcadText
    Dim xyz(2) As Double
    Dim xyz1(2) As Double
    Dim xyz2(2) As Double
    If strNumPos = "f" Or strNumPos = "r" Then iDiff = 10
    If strNumPos = "b" Or strNumPos = "l" Then iDiff = -10
    xyz(0) = x0: xyz(1) = y0: xyz(2) = z0
    xyz1(0) = x0 + iDiff: xyz1(1) = y0: xyz1(2) = z0
    xyz2(0) = x0: xyz2(1) = y0 + iDiff: xyz2(2) = z0
    Set textObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(strText, xyz, iSize)
    If strNumPos = "f" Or strNumPos = "l" Then
        textObj.Alignment = acAlignmentRight
        textObj.TextAlignmentPoint = xyz
    End If
    If strNumPos = "f" Or strNumPos = "b" Then
        DblAngle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleToReal(-90, acDegrees)
        textObj.Rotation = DblAngle
        textObj.Move xyz, xyz2
    ElseIf strNumPos = "l" Or strNumPos = "r" Then
        textObj.Move xyz, xyz1
    End If
End Sub