1. 程式人生 > >Prof. Dr. Ligang Liu (劉利剛) 中國科技大學

Prof. Dr. Ligang Liu (劉利剛) 中國科技大學

Graphics&Geometric Computing Laboratory

School of Mathematical Sciences

University of Science and Technology of China


  • 什麼是計算機圖形學?(中國科技大學《計算機圖形學前沿》暑期課程,每年7月)
  • 什麼是深度學習?(從函式逼近論的角度來理解)
  • 什麼是3D建模?有哪些3D建模與處理的工具?
  • 什麼是3D列印?
  • 數學在計算機圖形學中的應用
  • 其他學習資料
  • 計算機圖形學與混合現實線上交流平臺(GAMES) (GAMES 2018研討會)

誠招優秀人才:招收優秀教職人才(特任副研究員) 招收優秀博士後(點選進入) 招收優秀學生(點選進入)


2018.8.8. 從函式逼近論角度來理解“深度學習”(什麼是深度學習?)

2018.6.6. 中國工業與應用數學學會幾何設計與計算專業委員會《形狀理解與分析學科組》2018研討會(點選進入)

2018.5.28. 中國科學技術大學2018年《計算機圖形學前沿》暑期課程(點選註冊)

2018.4.16. 2018年計算機圖形學與混合現實前沿研討會 (GAMES 2018)

2018.4.12. We have 3 papers accepted by Siggraph 2018.

2017.9.17. We have 3 papers accepted by Siggraph Asia 2017.


Short Biography

Ligang Liu is a professor of "Hundred Talents Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) at the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China. He received his B.Sc. (1996) and his Ph.D. (2001) from Zhejiang University, China. Between 2001 and 2004, he worked at Microsoft Research Asia. Then he worked at Zhejiang University during 2004 and 2012. He paid an academic visit to SEAS at Harvard University during 2009 and 2011. He serves as the Conference Co-chair of GMP 2017 and the Conference Program Co-chairs of SPM 2014, SGP 2015, CVM 2016, CAD/Graphics 2017, and GMP 2018. He also serves as the associated editors for journals of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Computer Graphics Forum, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Computers&Graphics, and The Visual Computer. 

Research Interests

My research interest is computer graphics. More specifically:

  • Geometry modeling and processing

             Surface reconstruction

             Shape modeling and creation

             Surface parameterization

             Shape editing and morphing

  • Geometric optimization in 3D printing (Computational Fabrication)

             Geometric modeling in 3D printing

             Structure analysis and optimization

             Applications using 3D printing

  • Compressed sensing and sparsity optimization in geometric processing

             Sparse representation

             Low rank

             Applications in images and geometries

  • Shape analysis (high-level geometry processing)

             Sketch-based interactive shape segmentation

             Symmetry analysis

             Feature detection and analysis for 3D shapes

             Co-segmentation of shape set

  • Image and video processing

             Geometry-driven image manipulation: image retargeting, human reshaping

             Computational aesthetics: photo composition, black-and-white photos

             Video editing

Selected Publications

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Earlier (before 2011)

Selected Publications (2019)

Steady 3D Dissection Puzzles. [Project page]....... Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), conditionally accepted, 2019.

Volume-Enhanced Compatible Remeshing of 3D Models. [Project page]....... IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear, 2019.

Static/Dynamic Filtering for Mesh Geometry. [Paper] . IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear, 2019.

Multi-Normal Estimation via Pair Consistency Voting. [Project page] . IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear, 2019.

Mesh Denoising Guided by Patch Normal Co-filtering via Kernel Low-rank Recovery. [Project page]. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear, 2019

Designing deployable 3D scissor structures with ball-and-socket joints. [Paper] .......  Journal Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (Proc. CASA), to appear, 2019.

Selected Publications (2018)
