package com.data.struct; public class EdmondsKarp { private Node[][]graphic; private Node s; private Node t; private NodeArrayQueue2 queue; public EdmondsKarp(){ graphic=new Node[6][6]; Node node0=new Node(); node0.start=0; node0.end=0; graphic[0][0]=node0; Node node1=new Node(); node1.start=1; node1.end=1; graphic[1][1]=node1; Node node2=new Node(); node2.start=2; node2.end=2; graphic[2][2]=node2; Node node3=new Node(); node3.start=3; node3.end=3; graphic[3][3]=node3; Node node4=new Node(); node4.start=4; node4.end=4; graphic[4][4]=node4; Node node5=new Node(); node5.start=5; node5.end=5; graphic[5][5]=node5; Node node01=new Node(); node01.c=16; node01.start=0; node01.end=1; graphic[0][1]=node01; Node node10=new Node(); node10.start=1; node10.end=0; node10.reverse=true; graphic[1][0]=node10; Node node02=new Node(); node02.c=13; node02.start=0; node02.end=2; graphic[0][2]=node02; Node node20=new Node(); node20.start=2; node20.end=0; node20.reverse=true; graphic[2][0]=node20; Node node13=new Node(); node13.c=12; node13.start=1; node13.end=3; graphic[1][3]=node13; Node node31=new Node(); node31.start=3; node31.end=1; node31.reverse=true; graphic[3][1]=node31; Node node21=new Node(); node21.c=4; node21.start=2; node21.end=1; graphic[2][1]=node21; Node node12=new Node(); node12.start=1; node12.end=2; node12.reverse=true; graphic[1][2]=node12; Node node24=new Node(); node24.start=2; node24.end=4; node24.c=14; graphic[2][4]=node24; Node node42=new Node(); node42.start=4; node42.end=2; node42.reverse=true; graphic[4][2]=node42; Node node32=new Node(); node32.c=9; node32.start=3; node32.end=2; graphic[3][2]=node32; Node node23=new Node(); node23.start=2; node23.end=3; node23.reverse=true; graphic[2][3]=node23; Node node35=new Node(); node35.c=20; node35.start=3; node35.end=5; graphic[3][5]=node35; Node node53=new Node(); node53.start=5; node53.end=3; node53.reverse=true; graphic[5][3]=node53; Node node43=new Node(); node43.c=7; node43.start=4; node43.end=3; graphic[4][3]=node43; Node node34=new Node(); node34.start=3; node34.end=4; node34.reverse=true; graphic[3][4]=node34; Node node45=new Node(); node45.c=4; node45.start=4; node45.end=5; graphic[4][5]=node45; Node node54=new Node(); node54.start=5; node54.end=4; node54.reverse=true; graphic[5][4]=node54; s=graphic[0][0]; t=graphic[5][5]; queue = new NodeArrayQueue2((6 * (6 - 1) / 2) + 5); } public void edmondsKarp()throws Exception{ broadFirstSearch(); while(t.parent!=null){ Node p=t; Node end=t; Node start=t.parent; int maxF=Integer.MAX_VALUE; while(p.parent!=null){ Node edge=graphic[start.start][end.start]; if(!edge.reverse){ maxF=Math.min(maxF, edge.c-edge.f); }else{ maxF=Math.min(maxF, edge.c-edge.fr); } p=end.parent; end=p; start=p.parent; } p=t; end=t; start=t.parent; while(p.parent!=null){ Node edge=graphic[start.start][end.start]; if(!edge.reverse){ edge.f=edge.f+maxF; }else{ edge.fr=edge.fr+maxF; } p=end.parent; end=p; start=p.parent; } t.parent=null; broadFirstSearch(); } } public void broadFirstSearch() throws Exception { for(int i=0;i<graphic.length;i++){ for(int j=0;j<graphic.length;j++){ if(graphic[i][j]!=null){ graphic[i][j].color=Node.WHITE; graphic[i][j].parent=null; } } } s.color = Node.GRAY; s.d = 0; queue.enqueue(s); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Node u = queue.dequeue(); Node prev = u; for(int i=0;i<graphic.length;i++){ Node v = graphic[u.start][i]; if (v != null) { if (graphic[v.end][v.end].color == Node.WHITE) { if(v.c-v.f!=0&&!v.reverse){ queue.enqueue(graphic[v.end][v.end]); graphic[v.end][v.end].parent = prev; graphic[v.end][v.end].color = Node.GRAY; graphic[v.end][v.end].d = prev.d + 1; } if(v.reverse&&v.fr-v.c<0){ queue.enqueue(graphic[v.end][v.end]); graphic[v.end][v.end].parent = prev; graphic[v.end][v.end].color = Node.GRAY; graphic[v.end][v.end].d = prev.d + 1; } } } } u.color = Node.BLACK; } } public void printResult(){ int result=0; for(int i=0;i<graphic.length;i++){ if(graphic[t.start][i]!=null){ result+=graphic[i][t.start].f; } } System.out.println("max flow:"+result); } public void print(){ for(int i=0;i<graphic.length;i++){ for(int j=0;j<graphic.length;j++){ if(graphic[i][j]!=null){ System.out.print(graphic[i][j].c+" "); }else{ System.out.print(" "); } } System.out.println(); } } private class Node{ public static final int WHITE = 1; public static final int BLACK = 2; public static final int GRAY = 3; private int color = WHITE; private int c; private int f; private int fr; private int start; private int end; private int d=Integer.MAX_VALUE;; private Node parent; private boolean reverse; } class NodeArrayQueue2 { private Node[] data; private int head; private int tail; private boolean full; public NodeArrayQueue2(int size) { data = new Node[size]; head = 0; tail = 0; } public void enqueue(Node d) throws Exception { if (head - tail == 0 && full || (head == 0 && (tail == 0) && full)) { throw new Exception("full"); } data[tail] = d; tail = tail + 1; if (tail == data.length) { tail = 0; } if (head == tail) { full = true; } } public Node dequeue() throws Exception { if (head == tail && !full || (head == data.length && tail == 0)) { throw new Exception("empty"); } full = false; head = head + 1; if (head == data.length) { head = 0; return data[data.length - 1]; } else { return data[head - 1]; } } public boolean isEmpty() { if (head == tail && !full || (head == data.length && tail == 0)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception { EdmondsKarp e=new EdmondsKarp(); e.print(); e.edmondsKarp(); e.printResult(); } }
package com.data.struct; public class EdmondsKarp { private Node[][]graphic; private Node s; private Node t; private NodeArrayQueu
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