1. 程式人生 > >Build WebRTC for Android

Build WebRTC for Android

WebRTC 的 Android 編譯指令碼如下:

#! /bin/bash

#out directories


me=$(basename $0)
HELP_INFO="$me [arch/--allarch]\n Existing arches: armv7 arm64 i386 x86_64"


if [ $* ]; then
  for input in 
[email protected]
do if [[ $input = "-h" || $input = "--help" ]]; then echo $HELP_INFO; exit 0; fi if [ $input = "armv7" ]; then ARCH_ARMV7=1; elif [ $input = "arm64" ]; then ARCH_ARM64=1; elif [ $input = "i386" ]; then ARCH_X86=1; elif [ $input = "x86_64" ]; then ARCH_X64=1; elif [ $input = "--allarch" ]; then ARCH_ARMV7=1 ARCH_ARM64=1 ARCH_X86=1 ARCH_X64=1 else ARCH_ARMV7=1 fi done else ARCH_ARMV7=1 fi ROOT_DIR=`pwd` export GYP_CROSSCOMPILE=1 cd ./src source ./build/android/envsetup.sh if [ $ARCH_ARMV7 = 1 ]; then echo "build android armv7 library" export GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS="output_dir=${ARMV7_OUT_DIR}" export GYP_DEFINES="OS=android host_os=linux" export GYP_GENERATORS="ninja" gclient runhooks #ninja -C $ARMV7_OUT_DIR/Release/ -t clean ninja -C $ARMV7_OUT_DIR/Release/ $WEBRTC_TARGET fi if [ $ARCH_ARM64 = 1 ]; then echo "build android arm64 library" export GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS="output_dir=${ARM64_OUT_DIR}" export GYP_GENERATORS="ninja" export GYP_DEFINES="OS=android host_os=linux target_arch=arm64 target_subarch=arm64" gclient runhooks #ninja -C $ARM64_OUT_DIR/Release/ -t clean ninja -C $ARM64_OUT_DIR/Release/ $WEBRTC_TARGET fi if [ $ARCH_X86 = 1 ]; then echo "build android x86 library" export GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS="output_dir=${X86_OUT_DIR}" export GYP_GENERATORS="ninja" export GYP_DEFINES="OS=android host_os=linux target_arch=ia32" gclient runhooks ninja -C $X84_OUT_DIR/Release/ $WEBRTC_TARGET fi if [ $ARCH_X64 = 1 ]; then echo "build android x64 library" export GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS="output_dir=${X64_OUT_DIR}" export GYP_GENERATOR="ninja" export GYP_DEFINES="OS=android host_os=linux target_arch=x64" gclient runhooks ninja -C $X64_OUT_DIR/Release/ $WEBRTC_TARGET fi echo "WebRTC build Done" cd $ROOT_DIR



Build WebRTC for Android

WebRTC 的 Android 編譯指令碼如下: #! /bin/bash #out directories ARMV7_OUT_DIR="out_android_armv7" ARM64_OUT_DIR="out_android_arm64" X86_OUT_DIR

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