1. 程式人生 > >SAP HR--配置HR的員工照片儲存和上載的步驟

SAP HR--配置HR的員工照片儲存和上載的步驟

These are all the steps to upload the Photo.

1. Create a number range for SAP Archive Link :
IMG>Basis Components>Basis Services>SAP Archive Link>Basic Settings>Maintain number ranges.
Tcode: OANR
 Create range 01 from 0000000001 to 9999999999 without the external number flag.

2. Document type HRICOLFOTO must exist with document class JPG.

IMG>Basis Components>Basis Services>SAP Archive Link>System Settings>Maintain document types.
Table: TOAVE
Tcode: OAC2

3. Document type HRICOLFOTO must be linked to object type PREL and IT0002.
IMG>Personnel Management>Personnel Administration>Tools>Optical Archiving>Set up Optical Archiving in HR.

View: V_T585O,
 In all three columns there are minuses, don't put a flag in the check box.

4. Check which content repository (Archive) is linked to document type HRICOLFOTO and object type PREL.
IMG>Basis Components>Basis Services>SAP Archive Link>Basic Settings>Maintain Links.
Table: TOAOM_C,
Tcode: OAC3

5. Create this content repository with storage type FILE archive.
IMG>Basis Components>Basis Services>SAP Archive Link>Basic Settings>Maintain content repositories.
Tcode: OAC0

Storage type FILE archive can be attained by clicking on the field Storage type and clicking somewhere else in the screen with the right mouse button. Choose Possible entries and only then you get a list of all values. FILE Archive is entry number 08. Choose Version no. 0031 and Archive path something (e.g. C.

6. Link photo to personnel number.
Menu>Tools>Business Documents>Miscellaneous>Stored Documents.
Tcode: OAAD

Click on the Create button. Business object PREL and Docyment type HRICOLFOTO. Click on create (fill in the right personnel number in the pop up and click Continue). Choose the photo (as a JPG file) from the place where it is saved (e.g. hard disk). SAP will notify that the Stored Document was created succesfully. Photo is visible via PA10, PA20, PA30, PA40. Double-click to magnify photo.

To delete archived document :
Tcode: OAAD
click Find. In docyment type field select HRICOLFOTO and after execute you get a list of all documents. Select appropriate document and click on delete icon.

4.7 Version
 1).Use SICF Tcode: that displays lot of services. Under sap --> bc there is a service called content server interface. Activate this service.

2).Now Create the A2 repository with Tcode: OAC0.

3).While creating the repository, keep the Document Area blank, Storage type as R/3 database, Rep. Sub-type will appear as Normal by default, Version No. as 0046 and in Contents table put 'SDOKCONT1' as the table name.

4).Now upload the picture using Tcode: OAAD

If you want to upload the photo in Mass, view the zprog in this link.



SAP HR配置HR員工照片儲存步驟

These are all the steps to upload the Photo.1. Create a number range for SAP Archive Link :IMG>Basis Components>Basis Services>S


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