1. 程式人生 > >ORA-32773: operation not supported for smallfile tablespace

ORA-32773: operation not supported for smallfile tablespace

想把TABLESPACE從autoextend on改成autoextend off,


alter tablespace TEST_DATA autoextend off;


alter database datafile‘XXXXXXXXXX/XX/A.DBF’autoextend off;


select 'alter database datafile '|| '"'||FILE_NAME ||'"'||' autoextend off;' from dba_data_files;



ORA-32773: operation not supported for smallfile tablespace

想把TABLESPACE從autoextend on改成autoextend off, 使用以下語句就會報錯: alter tablespace TEST_DATA autoextend off; 要從DATAFILE 那裡改: alter database datafi

ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

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ORA-00845:MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

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ORA-00845 MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

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