1. 程式人生 > >unable to evaluate the expression Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializa錯誤

unable to evaluate the expression Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializa錯誤


spring jpa 在寫服務層跑單元測試的時候出現
unable to evaluate the expression Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializa









unable to evaluate the expression Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializa錯誤

問題描述 spring jpa 在寫服務層跑單元測試的時候出現 unable to evaluate the expression Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializa 解決思路 問題大概意思就是,hi

Unable to evaluate the expression. ???

我發現不知道從什麼時候開始Vs2005 無法除錯了,就算只好每次都aspnet_regiis.exe -i 才能進入斷點除錯,VS2003 也是這樣,最近又發現VB.net的可以除錯,但是如果是C# 編寫的,在監視視窗中的變數值變為 Unable to evaluate t

安裝xcode6 beta 後調試出現Unable to boot the iOS Simulator以及編譯蘋果官方Swift的demo報錯failed with exit code 1的解決的方法

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VirtualBox 在WIN7 X64 安裝報錯 獲取VirtualBox COM對象失敗,Unable to start the virtual device

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CloudStack: unable to add the host

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Unable to access the IIS metabase

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Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3 我的解決方法

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file_get_contents()獲取https出現這個錯誤Unable to find the wrapper “https” – did

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安裝Neo4j提示:Unable to determine the path to java.exe

neo4j安裝Neo4j 壓縮版時提示如圖所示的錯誤:出現這種原因是發現系統沒有安裝相應的java環境。從java網站現在java開發軟件: 安裝完jdk,這後在安裝 neo4j 如圖:安裝Neo4j提示:Unable to determine the path to java.exe

npm 報錯unable to verify the first certificate

HR script view 國內鏡像 number onf statistic lse sdn npm總是報錯:unable to verify the first certificate 原創 2017年09月30日 11:06:10 https://blog.csd

Error:Unable to make the module:***, related gradle configuration was not found. Please, re-import the Gradle project and try again.

RR ble err alt conf related error: found ref 打開idea的 View -> Tool Windows -> Gradle.然後點擊 Refresh Error:Unable to make the mod

Unable to create the django_migrations table (%s)

%s 環境 syn nag manage right error man 版本 環境:python3.6 + django2.1 +mysql5.5執行python manage.py migrate時報錯如下 “Unable to create the django_mi

uwsgi部署相關問題Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding

directory config add bound int binary smp odi byte uwsgi uwsgi.ini 啟動報錯 ini文件中切換用戶nginx後,因為權限問題,python虛擬環境變成了系統默認環境,缺少很多庫。 另外切換用戶啟動,

報錯 raise MigrationSchemaMissing("Unable to create the django_migrations table (%s)" % exc)

django http spa col miss ons tab simple pytho Django 執行遷移生成表: python manage.py migrate 報錯: raise MigrationSchemaMissing("Unable to cre

錯誤筆記: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration di

不能 ava 可用 pro virtual cache 出現 nav ive 親測可用 --jack alexander@alexander-virtual-machine:~$ sudo apt-get install -y httpdE: Could not get

Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder!

eclipse 執行 android 時失敗了,提示 Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder!確保dx.jar這個檔案在platform-tools\lib和選擇的開發版本lib中的檔案一致就可以;我用的 Andr

解決Eclipse報錯顯示Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder

由於最近通過SDK-Manager更新了build-tools,當要用到dx.jar這個包時,自動呼叫最新build-tools中dx.jar,但是執行android專案時Console卻提示:   Failed to load C:\Program Files (x86)\And

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server

嘗試執行程式,出現此異常提示Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server.   解決問題,是把網址修改為另一個試試: 把http://localhost:11144/改為http://localhost:11145/修改方法如下: 在Projec

Django: raise MigrationSchemaMissing("Unable to create the django_migrations table (%s)" % exc)……

raise MigrationSchemaMissing("Unable to create the django_migrations table (%s)" % exc) django.db.migrations.exceptions.MigrationSchemaMissing: Unable

npm install總是報錯:unable to verify the first certificate(無法驗證第一證書)

解決方法一: 取消ssl驗證:npm config set strict-ssl false 如果還沒成功,則將npm源更換為國內映象:npm config set registry http://registry.cnpmjs.org/ npm config set registr