Find unique elements of vector
b = unique(A)
b = unique(A, 'rows')
[b, m, n] = unique(...)
[b, m, n] = unique(..., occurrence)
b = unique(A) returns the same values as in A but with no repetitions. A can be a numeric or character array or a cell array of strings. If A is a vector or an array, b is a vector of unique values from A. If A is a cell array of strings, b is a cell vector of unique strings from A. The resulting vector b is sorted in ascending order and its elements are of the same class as A.
b = unique(A, 'rows') returns the unique rows of A.
[b, m, n] = unique(...) also returns index vectors m and n such that b = A(m) and A = b(n). Each element of m is the greatest subscript such that b = A(m). For row combinations, b = A(m,:) and A = b(n,:).
[b, m, n] = unique(..., occurrence), where occurrence can be
'first', which returns the vector m to index the first occurrence of each unique value in A, or
'last', which returns the vector m to index the last occurrence.
If you do not specify occurrence, it defaults to 'last'.
You can specify 'rows' in the same command as 'first' or 'last'. The order of appearance in the argument list is not important.
A = [1 1 5 6 2 3 3 9 8 6 2 4]
A =
1 1 5 6 2 3 3 9 8 6 2 4
Get a sorted vector of unique elements of A. Also get indices of the first elements in A that make up vector b, and the first elements in b that make up vector A:
[b1, m1, n1] = unique(A, 'first')
b1 =
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
m1 =
1 5 6 12 3 4 9 8
n1 =
1 1 5 6 2 3 3 8 7 6 2 4
Verify that b1 = A(m1) and A = b1(n1):
all(b1 == A(m1)) && all(A == b1(n1))
ans =
Get a sorted vector of unique elements of A. Also get indices of the last elements in A that make up vector b, and the last elements in b that make up vector A:
[b2, m2, n2] = unique(A, 'last')
b2 =
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
m2 =
2 11 7 12 3 10 9 8
n2 =
1 1 5 6 2 3 3 8 7 6 2 4
Verify that b2 = A(m2) and A = b2(n2):
all(b2 == A(m2)) && all(A == b2(n2))
ans =
Because NaNs are not equal to each other, unique treats them as unique elements.
unique([1 1 NaN NaN])
ans =
1 NaN NaN
unique Find unique elements of vector Syntax b = unique(A) b = unique(A, 'rows') [b, m, n] = unique(...) [b, m, n] = unique(..., occurre
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#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(){ char a[100]; int n,l,j,k,i,tmp; while(scanf("%s",a)!=EOF){ n = strlen(
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功能:對輸入的陣列進行排序,返回的是,從小到大陣列對應於原陣列的下標(序號) 。比如 1 7 3 2 9 返回:0 3 2 1 4 思想:在函式中動態開闢一個數組,用於儲存下標。初始化的時候為0-(n-1)。陣列值在排序的過程中,下標值也跟著排序。最後返回指向下標陣
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