1. 程式人生 > >正確使用ngrok穿透內網


Expose a local web server to the internet

ngrok allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine to the internet. Just tell ngrok what port your web server is listening on.

If you don't know what port your web server is listening on, it's probably port 80, the default for HTTP.

Example: Expose a web server on port 80 of your local machine to the internet
ngrok http 80

When you start ngrok, it will display a UI in your terminal with the public URL of your tunnel and other status and metrics information about connections made over your tunnel.

The ngrok console UI
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Tunnel Status                 online
Version                       2.0/2.0
Web Interface       
Forwarding                    http://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
Forwarding                    https://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
Connnections                  ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90
                              0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00

Inspecting your traffic

ngrok provides a real-time web UI where you can introspect all of the HTTP traffic running over your tunnels. After you've started ngrok, just open http://localhost:4040 in a web browser to inspect request details.

Try making a request to your public URL. After you have, look back at the inspection UI. You will see all of the details of the request and response including the time, duration, headers, query parameters and request payload as well as the raw bytes on the wire.

Detailed introspection of HTTP requests and responses

Replaying requests

Developing for webhooks issued by external APIs can often slow down your development cycle by requiring you do some work, like dialing a phone, to trigger the hook request. ngrok allows you to replay any request with a single click dramatically speeding up your iteration cycle. Click the Replay button at the top-right corner of any request on the web inspection UI to replay it.

Replay any request against your tunneled web server with one click

Request body validation

ngrok has special support for the most common data interchange formats in use on the web. Any XML or JSON data in request or response bodies is automatically pretty-printed for you and checked for syntax errors.

The location of a JSON syntax error is highlighted

Installing your Authtoken

Many advanced features of the ngrok.com service described in further sections require that you sign up for an account. Once you've signed up, you need to configure ngrok with the authtoken that appears on your dashboard. This will grant you access to account-only features. ngrok has a simple 'authtoken' command to make this easy. Under the hood, all the authtoken command does is to add (or modify) the authtokenproperty in your ngrok configuration file.

Install your authtoken
ngrok authtoken <YOUR_AUTHTOKEN>

HTTP Tunnels

Custom subdomain names

ngrok assigns random hexadecimal names to the HTTP tunnels it opens for you. This is okay for one-time personal uses. But if you're displaying the URL at a hackathon or integrating with a third-party webhook, it can be frustrating if the tunnel name changes or is difficult to read. You can specify a custom subdomain for your tunnel URL with the -subdomain switch.

Example: Open a tunnel with the subdomain 'inconshreveable'
ngrok http -subdomain=inconshreveable 80
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Forwarding                    http://inconshreveable.ngrok.com ->
Forwarding                    https://inconshreveable.ngrok.com ->

Password protecting your tunnel

Anyone who can guess your tunnel URL can access your local web server unless you protect it with a password. You can make your tunnels secure with the -auth switch. This enforces HTTP Basic Auth on all requests with the username and password you specify as an argument.

Example: Password-protect your tunnel
ngrok http -auth="username:password" 8080

Tunnels on custom domains (white label URLs)

Instead of your tunnel appearing as a subdomain of ngrok.io, you can run ngrok tunnels over your domains. To run a tunnel over dev.example.com, follow these steps:

  1. Enter dev.example.com as a Reserved Domain on your ngrok.com dashboard. This guarantees that no one else can hijack your domain name with their own tunnel.
  2. On your dashboard, click on the 'CNAME' icon to copy your CNAME target.
  3. Create a DNS CNAME record from dev.example.com to your CNAME target. In this example, we would point the CNAME record to XXX.cname.ngrok.io
  4. Invoke ngrok with the -hostname switch and specify the name of your custom domain as an argument.
    Example: Run a tunnel over a custom domain
    ngrok http -hostname=dev.example.com 8000
Accessing custom domain tunnels over HTTPS will still work, but the certificate will not match. If you have a TLS certificate/key pair, try using a TLS tunnel.

Disabling Inspection

ngrok records each HTTP request and response over your tunnels for inspection and replay. While this is really useful for development, when you're running ngrok on production services, you may wish to disable it for security and performance. Use the -inspect switch to disable inspection on your tunnel.

Example: An http tunnel with no inspection
ngrok http -inspect=false 80

Rewriting the Host header

When forwarding to a local port, ngrok does not modify the tunneled HTTP requests at all, they are copied to your server byte-for-byte as they are received. Some application servers like WAMP, MAMP and pow use theHost header for determining which development site to display. For this reason, ngrok can rewrite your requests with a modified Host header. Use the -host-header switch to rewrite incoming HTTP requests.

If rewrite is specified, the Host header will be rewritten to match the hostname portion of the forwarding address. Any other value will cause the Host header to be rewritten to that value.

Rewrite the Host header to 'site.dev'
ngrok http -host-header=rewrite site.dev:80
Rewrite the Host header to 'example.com'
ngrok http -host-header=example.com 80

Tunneling only HTTP or HTTPS

By default, when ngrok runs an HTTP tunnel, it opens endpoints for both HTTP and HTTPS traffic. If you wish to only forward HTTP or HTTPS traffic, but not both, you can toggle this behavior with the -bind-tls switch.

Example: Only listen on an HTTP tunnel endpoint
ngrok http -bind-tls=false site.dev:80
Example: Only listen on an HTTPS tunnel endpoint
ngrok http -bind-tls=true site.dev:80

TLS Tunnels

HTTPS tunnels terminate all TLS (SSL) traffic at the ngrok.com servers using ngrok.com certificates. For production-grade services, you'll want your tunneled traffic to be encrypted with your own TLS key and certificate. ngrok makes this extraordinarily easy with TLS tunnels.

Forward TLS traffic to a local HTTPS server on port 443
ngrok tls -subdomain=encrypted 443

Once your tunnel is running, try accessing it with curl.

curl --insecure https://encrypted.ngrok.io

TLS Tunnels without certificate warnings

Notice that --insecure option in the previous curl command example? You need to specify that because your local HTTPS server doesn't have the TLS key and certificate necessary to terminate traffic for anyngrok.io subdomains. If you try to load up that page in a web browser, you'll notice that it tells you the page could be insecure because the certificate does not match.

If you want your certificates to match and be protected from man-in-the-middle attacks, you need two things. First, you'll need to buy an SSL (TLS) certificate for a domain name that you own and configure your local web server to use that certificate and its private key to terminate TLS connections. How to do this is specific to your web server and SSL certificate provider and beyond the scope of this documentation. For the sake of example, we'll assume that you were issued an SSL certificate for the domain secure.example.com.

Once you have your key and certificate and have installed them properly, it's now time to run a a TLS tunnel on your own custom domain name. The instructions to set this up are identical to those described in the HTTP tunnels section: Tunnels on custom domains. The custom domain you register should be the same as the one in your SSL certificate (secure.example.com). After you've set up the custom domain, use the -hostnameargument to start the TLS tunnel on your own domain.

Forward TLS traffic over your own custom domain
ngrok tls -hostname=secure.example.com 443

Terminating TLS connections

It's possible that the service you're trying to expose may not have the capability to terminate TLS connections. The ngrok client can do this for you so that you can encrypt your traffic end-to-end but not have to worry about whether the local service has TLS support. Specify both the -crt and -key command line options to specify the filesystem paths to your TLS certificate and key and the ngrok client will take care of terminating TLS connections for you.

Offload TLS Termination to the ngrok client
ngrok tls -hostname secure.example.com -key /path/to/tls.key -crt /path/to/tls.crt 80

Running non-HTTP services over TLS tunnels

ngrok TLS tunnels make no assumptions about the underlying protocol being transported. All examples in this documentation use HTTPS because it is the most common use case, but you can run run any TLS-wrapped protocol over a TLS tunnel (e.g. imaps, smtps, sips, etc) without any changes.

Compatible Clients

TLS tunnels work by inspecting the data present in the Server Name Information (SNI) extension on incoming TLS connections. Not all clients that initiate TLS connections support setting the SNI extension data. These clients will not work properly with ngrok's TLS tunnels. Fortunately, nearly all modern browsers use SNI. Some modern software libraries do not though. The following list of clients do not support SNI and will not work with TLS tunnels:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 & 8 on Windows XP or earlier
  • Native browser on Android 2.X
  • Java <=1.6
A more complete list can be found on the Server Name Indiciation page on Wikipedia

TCP Tunnels

Not all services you wish to expose are HTTP or TLS based. ngrok TCP tunnels allow you to expose any networked service that runs over TCP. This is commonly used to expose SSH, game servers, databases and more. Starting a TCP tunnel is easy.

Expose a TCP based service running on port 1234
ngrok tcp 1234


Expose an SSH server listening on the default port
ngrok tcp 22
Expose a Postgres server listening on the default port
ngrok tcp 5432
Expose a Minecraft server listening on the default port
ngrok tcp 25565

Listening on a reserved remote address

Normally, the remote address and port is assigned randomly each time you start a TCP tunnel. For production services (and convenience) you often want a stable, guaranteed remote address. To do this, first, log in to your ngrok.com dashboard and click "Reserve Address" in the "Reserved TCP Addresses" section. Then use the-remote-addr option when invoking ngrok to bind a tunnel on your reserved TCP address.

Bind a TCP tunnel on a reserved remote address
ngrok tcp --remote-addr 1.tcp.ngrok.io:20301 22



Expose a local web server to the internet ngrok allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine to the internet. Just t


從早上到現在,找了很多工具,但均不支援代理,後詢問了同事,配合Proxifier,問題就解決了 安裝Proxifier,開啟 點選配置檔案—代理伺服器,在裡面填好代理伺服器地址 點選配置檔案—代理規則,配置新的ngrok規則,localhost規則也可以看一下 新增成




內網穿透想必是開發微信的同志所必須的,大部分人首先想到的是去網上找各種現成的吧,比如sunny-ngrok或者向日葵之類的,但是世界上沒有免費的午餐,免費的都是會崩的!!!下面我就來教大家怎麼用阿里雲和ngrok搭建一個內網穿透!!!! 1.準備工作: 要能實現內網穿透,

搭建自己的ngrok服務(穿透 使用簡單)

在國內開發微信公眾號、企業號以及做前端開發的朋友想必對ngrok都不陌生吧,就目前來看,ngrok可是最佳的在內網除錯微信服務的tunnel工 具。記得今年春節前,ngrok.com提供的服務還一切正常呢,但春節後似乎就一切不正常了。ngrok.com無法訪問,


熟悉Java的都熟悉,tomcat作為一個本地伺服器,僅限於本地訪問或者區域網訪問,如果想讓 其他的人訪問,就必須將專案放到伺服器上面,這樣的前提是必須要有一臺伺服器,其實也可以用也給辦法將內網穿透到

MAC 下使用 ngrok 實現穿透

2. 解壓到指定目錄:$ unzip -n ngrok-stable-darwin-amd64.zip -d /tmp3. 進入到解壓後的 ngrok 所在路徑:  $ cd /tmp4. 開啟服務: 





FTP搭建 共享上網 穿透

公網 消息 穿透內網 和數 了吧 5.1 需要 某某 初始化 1、ftp原理介紹 FTP只通過TCP連接,沒有用於FTP的UDP組件.FTP不同於其他服務的是它使用了兩個端口, 一個數據端口和一個命令端口(或稱為控制端口)。通常21端口是命令端口,20端口是數據端口。當混


reGeorg+proxifier穿透內網 前言 最近在實戰練習,一些複雜的網路環境或者配置總是讓人很頭疼,我也在解決問題的過程中遇到了這兩個工具,可以用來穿透內網,還是挺好用的。 step1 下載reGeorg與proxifier reGeorg:


本文轉自:自搭Ngrok實現樹莓派內網穿透,有刪改。 如果把花生殼類比為使用別人搭好的ss服務,那麼自建Ngrok就是使用自己的ss服務,可見自搭Ngrok的優勢不言而喻,流量費用十分經濟,速度,穩定性和安全性將遠遠勝過花生殼。 現在花生殼是一種比較流行的穿透內網的方式,不過其穩定


轉自:http://www.cnblogs.com/eyye/archive/2012/10/23/2734807.html 網上找了很多,程式碼大堆,原理講清楚透徹的不多。 本人找幾篇講得好的來整理一下。 一片技術文章,最主要的講清楚原理,如果再有完整的能執行的原


一:軟體的下載ngrok的下載地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1maOHIznSbm-RVvV88bL87g 密碼:wfnk二:安裝的步驟1:賬號的註冊:https://www.ngrok.cc/  1.1:點選註冊1.2:登入1.3:點選隧道管理1.4


在計算機網路中,網路地址轉換(Network Address Translation),是一種在IP封包通過路由器或防火牆時重寫源IP地址或目的IP地址的技術。這種技術被普遍使用在有多臺主機但只通過一個公有IP地址訪問因特網的私有網路中。簡單來講,NAT是將IP 資料包頭中的IP地址轉換為另一個IP地址的過


QQ是一個基於TCP/UDP協議的通訊軟體 傳送訊息的時候是UDP打洞,登陸的時候使用HTTP~因為登陸伺服器其實就是一個HTTP伺服器,只不過不是常用的那些,那個伺服器是騰訊自行開發的!!! 一、登入 QQ客戶端在區域網內,當你開啟QQ登入到QQ伺服器時,通過外網,你的客

SS 隧道穿透 NAT

對應的情況這篇文章主要介紹瞭如何利用SSH 反向隧道穿透NAT,並演示瞭如何維持一條穩定的SSH 隧道。假設有機器A 和B,A 有公網IP,B 位於NAT 之後並無可用的埠轉發,現在想由A 主動向B 發起SSH 連線。由於B 在NAT 後端,無可用公網IP + 埠 這樣一個組


FtpServer穿透內網訪問配置踩筆記 引言 FtpServer是伺服器檔案遠端管理常用方式。 以前在區域網配置Ftp伺服器以及使用公網上的Ftp服務均未碰到問題,固未對Ftp傳輸進行深入瞭解。 然而,最近在配置一臺內網Ftp伺服器提供外部訪問服務時,卻碰過了問題,折騰了幾番,方才搞定。為了避免遺忘和提供他


←←←←←←←←←←←← 我都禿頂了,還不點關注! 前言 隨著網際網路的發展,無論是web服務還是移動APP越來越多的都集成了第三方支付(支付寶、微信、銀聯)。通常作為服務提供方,支付成功以後都會有一個後端回撥URL來通知是否呼叫者是否支付成功,這個URL必須是公網環境,並且可以被訪


內網穿透內網穿透花生殼輸入https://b.oray.com/ 賬號xu-yi-zhong密碼進入管理界面,選擇內網穿透,如圖 點擊編輯,可以進行更改 ngrok輸入網址https://ngrok.cc/login登錄名[email protected]