1. 程式人生 > >golang之string標準庫(一)


1:Contains(s,substr string) bool:字串s是否包含substr,包含返回true,不包含返回false

    flag := strings.Contains("hello world", "wor")
    if flag {
        fmt.Println("str is contain substr")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("str is not contain substr")

2:ContainAny(s ,chars string) bool:字串s是否包含Unicode chars中任意字元,包含返回true,不包含返回false

    flag = strings.ContainsAny("hello world", "h&w&o")
    if flag {
        fmt.Println("str is contain any chars")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("str is not contain chars")

3:ContainsRune(s string,r rune)bool :判斷字串s是否包含ASCII字元r,包含返回true,不包含返回false

    flag = strings.ContainsRune
("hello world", 'd') if flag { fmt.Println("containsRune exist") } else { fmt.Println("containrune not exist") }

4:LastIndex(s,substr string) int:返回子串substr在父串s最後一次出現的位置,存在返回下標,不存在返回-1

    index := strings.LastIndex("hello world", "o")
    if index != -1 {
        fmt.Println("LastIndex exist"
, index) } else { fmt.Println("LastIndex not exist") }

5:IndexRune(s string,r sune)int:返回ASCII字元r,在父串中第一次出現的位置,成功返回索引,失敗返回-1

    index = strings.IndexRune("hello world", 'o')
    if index != -1 {
        fmt.Println("IndexRune exist", index)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("IndexRune not exist")

6:IndexAny(s,chars string)int:返回chars中任意字元出現在父串s的第一次出現的位置,成功返回索引,失敗,返回-1

    index = strings.IndexAny("hello world", "h&w&o")
    if index != -1 {
        fmt.Println("IndexAny exist :", index)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Index not exist")

7:LastIndexAny(s ,chars string) int:返回chars中任意字元出現在父串s的最後一次出現的位置,成功返回索引,失敗,返回-1

    index = strings.LastIndexAny("hello world", "h&w&o")
    if index != -1 {
        fmt.Println("LastIndexAny exist :", index)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("LastIndexAny not exist")

8:LastIndexByte(s string,c byte) int:返回位元組c最後一次在父串str中出現的索引,成功,返回索引,失敗,返回-1

    var c byte = 'o'
    index = strings.LastIndexByte("hello world", c)
    if index != -1 {
        fmt.Println("LastIndexByte exist :", index)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("LastIndexByte not exist")

9:SplitN(s,sep string,n int)[]string:將字串s按照sep子串劃分成子串(子串不包含sep串)
(n >0 ):一直劃分,直到劃分到n個串
(n == 0):nil
(n < 0):劃分到結束,返回所有子串

    str = "helloworld hellogolang helloprograming hellotest
     hellostring hello"
    sep := "hello"
    substring1 := strings.SplitN(str, sep, 0)
    fmt.Println("SplitN n == 0:", substring1)
    substring2 := strings.SplitN(str, sep, 4)
    fmt.Println("SplitN n > 0:", substring2)
    substring3 := strings.SplitN(str, sep, -1)
    fmt.Println("SplitN n < 0:", substring3)

10:SplitAfterN(s,sep string,n int)[]stsring:將字串s按照sep之後劃分成子串(子串包含sep串)
(n >0 ):一直劃分,直到劃分到n個串
(n == 0):nil
(n < 0):劃分到結束,返回所有子串

    str = "helloworld hellogolang helloprograming hellotest
     hellostring hello"
    sep := "hello"
    substring4 := strings.SplitAfterN(str, sep, 0)
    fmt.Println("SplitAfterN n == 0:", substring4)
    substring5 := strings.SplitAfterN(str, sep, 4)
    fmt.Println("SplitAfterN n > 0:", substring5)
    substring6 := strings.SplitAfterN(str, sep, -1)
    fmt.Println("SplitAfterN n < 0 :", substring6)

11:Split(s,sep string)[]string:將字串s按照sep劃分成子串,直到劃分結束,等同於SplitN(s,sep string,-1)

    str = "helloworld hellogolang helloprograming hellotest
     hellostring hello"
    sep := "hello"
    substring7 := strings.Split(str, sep)
    fmt.Println("Split :", substring7)

12:SplitAfter(s,sep string)[]string:將字串按照sep之後劃分成子串,直到劃分結束返回所有子串等同於SplitAfterN(s,sep,-1)

    str = "helloworld hellogolang helloprograming hellotest
     hellostring hello"
    sep := "hello"
    substring8 := strings.SplitAfter(str, sep)
    fmt.Println("SplitAfter :", substring8)



1:Contains(s,substr string) bool:字串s是否包含substr,包含返回true,不包含返回false flag := strings.Contains("hello world", "wor") if flag


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