1. 程式人生 > >Selenium2Library類庫關鍵字使用說明


Undo the effect of using keywords `Choose Cancel On Next Confirmation`. Note that Selenium's overridden window.confirm() function will normally automatically return true, as if the user had manually clicked OK, so you shouldn't need to use this command unless for some reason you need to change your mind prior to the next confirmation. After any confirmation, Selenium will resume using the default behavior for future confirmations, automatically returning true (OK) unless/until you explicitly use `Choose Cancel On Next Confirmation` for each confirmation.



Undo the effect of using keywords `Choose Cancel On Next Confirmation`. Note that Selenium's overridden window.confirm() function will normally automatical

Robot Framework怎麼匯入selenium2library

Robot Framework怎麼匯入selenium2library類庫 轉自:百度經驗 Robot Framework怎麼匯入selenium2library類庫?在對於當前中使用的過程中Robot Framework的編輯的使用的測試用例的過程中,就需要匯入selenium2libra


繼承 con def 屬性 實例 類名 () 接口 屬性。 Final、static、const、instanceod Final :final關鍵字可以加在類或者類中方法之前,但是不能使用final標識成員屬性。     作用: 使用final標識的類,不能被繼承。


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九. 常用、向量與哈希5.向量及其應用

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