1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Privacy-centric and ethical analytics solutions?

Ask HN: Privacy-centric and ethical analytics solutions?

I would like to gain some high-level insight into the traffic accessing my website. For example:
  - Unique visitor counts
  - Most viewed pages
  - Referring sites
  - Activity per time of day/week/month
I do not want to be able to track individual users - I want to keep this strictly to statistics rather than intrusive tracking. That throws out pretty much anything that involves JavaScript or stuff done on the client-side.

I've been trying to put together a solution using the AWStats log analyser, however this requires me to collect IP addresses. If I remove or obfuscate IP addresses, then the 'Unique Visitors' count doesn't work. Unfortunately it seems that AWStats uses IPs as the primary method for identifying unique visitors.

What other solutions are out there? My site is PHP so doing something myself would also be acceptable.


Ask HN: Privacy-centric and ethical analytics solutions?

I would like to gain some high-level insight into the traffic accessing my website. For example: - Unique visitor counts - Most viewed pages - Referri

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