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AWS Partner Network for Windows

APN Consulting Partners with specific Microsoft capabilities can include System Integrators (SIs), Strategic Consultancies, Agencies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs), and Value-Added Resellers (VARs) who help customers design, architect, build, migrate, and manage their Microsoft-based workloads and applications on AWS.

As an APN Consulting Partner with a Windows on AWS practice, you will gain access to a range of resources and training to support your customers plan, deploy, run, and manage their Microsoft applications in the AWS Cloud. An overview of the APN Partner Journey for Microsoft Consulting Partners is outlined below, and the full

APN Consulting Journey can be found here.


AWS Partner Network for Windows

APN Consulting Partners with specific Microsoft capabilities can include System Integrators (SIs), Strategic Consultancies, Agencies, Manage

AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

The new AWS Device Qualification Program makes it easier for APN Partners to qualify their devices on AWS IoT Greengrass, Amazon FreeRTOS, AWS I

AWS Partner Network Programs

AWS Database Ready enables software vendors to modernize their software to support Amazon Aurora and RDS database engines. This a

AWS Partner Network

Are you beginning to build your business on AWS, or expanding your practice? Look to the APN to help you grow and succeed. The APN offe

AWS Partner Network Logo Guidelines

As outlined in APN’s online Terms and Conditions, APN Partners that are eligible to use the AWS Marks will have a nonexclusive, worldwide, roya

AWS Partner Network On

On-Demand webinars are one hour videos hosted by AWS Solutions Architects and APN Partners in which they discuss their joint-solution and how cu

windows下網路丟包模擬軟體(Network Emulator for Windows Toolkit)

最近公司有一個直播的測試專案,需要模擬各種網路環境下的直播狀態,最後找到一款這樣的軟體(如果有遇到更好的軟體,望和網友多多交流) 介紹一款windows下的網路模擬器,可以模擬各種丟包或延遲的網路(Network Emulator for Windows Toolkit) 下載地址:https://blo

Show HN: Gymmmr, a social network for finding a workout partner

http://www.gymmmr.com/Gymmmr is a social network that enables people to find partners and friends to workout with. Users enter their diet information, goal

CI/CD Pipeline for Windows on AWS

This Quick Start automatically deploys a continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline on AWS. It uses standard Microsoft

AWS for Windows Self

Check out these self-study guide resources for IT professionals, architects, and software developers who are interested in learning how to d

AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

AWS Marketplace: Informatica Data Quality For Windows (BYOL)

Informatica Data Quality For Windows (BYOL)

Building a Global Network for Genomic Data – DNAnexus, an Advanced APN Technology Partner

Today’s announcement of the precisionFDA platform is significant for the genomics research community for a number of reasons. With this pilot plat

Laravel for Windows 開發環境配置

let osi host func replace sys 模型 _id span 本文為CSDN Choris 原創,轉載請事先征得作者同意,以示尊重! 原文:http://blog.csdn.net/choris/article/details/50215835 L

NBU Client For Windows 安裝

nbu7 netbackup7 client 安裝 更新NBU Client For Windows安裝客戶端添加NBU SERVER HOSTS解析2. 在NBU SERVER添加客戶端HOSTS解析[[email protected]/* */ ~]# more /etc/hosts10.17

Nmap for windows 下命令行使用

端口掃描 nmap 從事IT方面的工作,無論是開發或運維,當測試某些系統服務端口時,總會遇到TCP或 UDP 兩種協議。眾所周知,TCP 服務端口,可以通過telnet 進行遠程測試,而UDP 端口,一般來說都會使用Nmap,無論是在linux 還是 windows環境下。在windows 下的Nma

nginx for Windows

future wid reason sdn latest led eas ability rec zt from nginx official site. Known issuesPossible future enhancements Version of nginx

DreamScene for Windows 7夢幻桌面使用教程

windows7 Win7夢幻桌面,英文全稱“DreamScene for Windows 7”,是一款可以將wmv格式、mpg格式的視頻文件,設置成為動態桌面的軟件。 如果想詳細了解或下載DreamScene for Windows 7,請點擊以下鏈接: Win7夢幻桌面軟件介紹及下載鏈接 Win7夢幻桌面

build-qt.sh(Cross compile in Linux for Windows

-i cdir pla sse install osi branch config break #!/bin/bash set -e MINGW=${MINGW:-${ARCH:-x86_64}-w64-mingw32} PREFIX=${PREFIX:-

MySql5.7.11 for Windows 安裝(二)

secure user data javascrip pda 使用 退出 快的 就會 原文:MySql5.7.11 for Windows 安裝(二) 安裝之後,首先創建data文件夾(舊版本本來就有),管理員打開cmd,cd到bin文件夾,輸入