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Save up-to 90% on On-Demand Prices

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances offer spare compute capacity available in the AWS cloud at steep discounts compared to On-Demand instances. Spot Instances enable you to optimize your costs on the AWS cloud and scale your application's throughput up to 10X for the same budget.

Spot Instances can be interrupted by EC2 with two minutes of notification when EC2 needs the capacity back. You can use Spot Instances for various fault-tolerant and flexible applications, such as big data, containerized workloads, high-performance computing (HPC), stateless web servers, rendering, CI/CD and other test & development workloads. Spot Instances are tightly integrated with other AWS services including EMR, Auto Scaling, Elastic Container Service (ECS), CloudFormation, Data Pipeline and AWS Batch, providing freedom of choice in how you launch and maintain your applications running on Spot Instances.

AWS also offers Spot Fleet, which automates the management of Spot instances. You simply tell Spot Fleet how much capacity you need and Fleet does the rest.


Save up-to 90% on On-Demand Prices

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances offer spare compute capacity available in the AWS cloud at steep discounts compared to On-Demand instances. Spot Instan

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