1. 程式人生 > >Troubleshoot Courier Fetch Error in Kibana on Amazon ES

Troubleshoot Courier Fetch Error in Kibana on Amazon ES

Use one or more of the following methods to resolve the courier fetch error:

Consider resizing your cluster

Confirm that you are following the instance sizing best practices that are appropriate for your use case. For more information, see Choosing Instance Types and Testing.

Reduce the scope of your query

For example, if you query on time frame, reduce the date range or filter the results by configuring the index pattern in Kibana.

Avoid executing select * queries on large indices

Reindex and reduce the number of shards

The more shards you have in your Elasticsearch cluster, the more likely you are to get the courier fetch error. Because each shard has its own resource allocation and overheads, a large number of shards places excessive strain on the cluster. To reduce the number of shards in your cluster, see

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Troubleshoot Courier Fetch Error in Kibana on Amazon ES

Use one or more of the following methods to resolve the courier fetch error: Consider resizing your cluster Confirm that

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