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Use EC2Rescue to Troubleshoot EC2 Windows Issues

EC2Rescue for EC2 Windows is a convenient, straightforward, GUI-based troubleshooting tool that can be run on your Amazon EC2 Windows Server instances to troubleshoot operating system-level issues and collect advanced logs and configuration files for further analysis. EC2Rescue simplifies and expedites the troubleshooting of EC2 Windows instances.

Note: You can also use an Amazon EC2 Systems Manager (SSM) Agent automation document. For more information, see How to Execute the AWSSupport-ExecuteEC2Rescue Document.

The following are a few common issues that are addressed by EC2Rescue:

  • Instance connectivity issues due to:
    • Firewall configuration
    • RDP service configuration
    • Network interface configuration
  • Operating system (OS) boot issues due to:
    • Blue screen or stop error
    • Boot loop
    • Corrupted registry
  • Any issues that might require advanced log analysis and troubleshooting

Note: To determine the state of your EC2 Windows instance, you can take a screenshot. For more information, see How to Take a Screenshot of an Unreachable Instance.

System Requirements

EC2Rescue requires an EC2 Windows instance that meets the following specifications:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 or later
  • NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or later installed
  • Is accessible from a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connection

Note: EC2Rescue can only be run on Windows Server 2008 R2 or later, but it can also analyze the offline volumes of Windows Server 2008 or later


Use EC2Rescue to Troubleshoot EC2 Windows Issues

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