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Securing EC2 Instances

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) provide an initial configuration for an EC2 instance, which includes the OS and optional customer-specific customizations, such as applications and security controls. Create an AMI catalog containing customized security configuration baselines to ensure all instances are launched with standard security controls. Security baselines can be baked into an AMI, bootstrapped dynamically when an EC2 instance is launched, or packaged as a product for uniform distribution through AWS Service Catalog portfolios. For more information on AMI configuration options, see the 

AWS AMI Design Solution Brief.

EC2 instance OS configuration should adhere to organizational security standards and contain host-integrity management software. Configure security software to monitor and maintain OS security settings, protect the integrity of critical OS files, and alert on deviations from the security baseline. AWS customers can also run Amazon Inspector assessments to improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on EC2 instances. Amazon Inspector automatically assesses applications for vulnerabilities or deviations from best practices and includes a knowledge base of hundreds of rules mapped to common security compliance standards (e.g., PCI DSS) and vulnerability definitions. Examples of built-in rules include checking if remote root login is enabled, or if vulnerable software versions are installed. These rules are regularly updated by AWS security researchers.

Configure OS, audit, and application logging to send local log files to a centralized log management system3 to preserve log data for security and operational behavior analysis. For example, consider including a log management agent such as the CloudWatch Logs agent or another third-party agent as part of an EC2 instance security baseline. For OS-specific configuration management advice, please see the

Securing EC2 Windows Instances Solution Brief.


Securing EC2 Instances

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) provide an initial configuration for an EC2 instance, which includes the OS and optional customer-specific cust

Securing Windows EC2 Instances

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) provide an initial configuration for an EC2 instance, which includes the Windows OS and optional customer-speci

Amazon brings predictive scaling to EC2 instances

Amazon Web Services this week is improving its Auto Scaling tool with machine learning, giving it predictive capabilities. The new predictive scaling featu

Stop and Start Amazon EC2 Instances with Data Pipeline

You can use AWS Data Pipeline to programmatically start and stop your EC2 instances at scheduled instances. Data Pipeline uses AWS technologies

Resolve Internet Connectivity Issues for EC2 Instances

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Create a Cron Job on EC2 Instances in an Elastic Beanstalk Environment

The following procedure adds a cron job that executes at the same moment to all the EC2 instances in your Elastic Beanstalk environment.

Enable and Configure Enhanced Networking for EC2 Instances

Enhanced networking provides higher bandwidth, higher packet-per-second (PPS) performance, and consistently lower inter-instance latencies.

Resolve Issues Booting G2 Series RHEL EC2 Instances

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

I need more Amazon EC2 instances, but I've reached my limit

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Resolve "Server Refused Our Key" Errors When Connecting to EC2 Instances

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Restrict Access to Launch EC2 Instances from Only Tagged AMIs

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ReadOnlyAccess", "Effect": "Allow", "Act

Use IAM Tags to Restrict EC2 Instances or EBS Volumes

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowToDescribeAll", "Effect": "Allow",

Recover Access to EC2 Instances After Losing SSH Key Pair

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Learn Recovery Strategies for Terminated EC2 Instances

As part of an EC2 instance termination, the data on any instance store volumes associated with that instance is deleted, and by default, the ro

Understand Static Private IP Addresses for Windows EC2 Instances

You do not need to set a static private IP address on a Windows EC2 instance, but in some cases you may need to use two private IP addresses fo

Find the Source of Running EC2 Instances

Delete or terminate instances launched by other services The following services, among others, can be configured to launch EC2 insta

Facing Load Balancer to EC2 Instances with Private IP Addresses

You must create public subnets in the same Availability Zones as the private subnets that are used by your private instances. Then associate th

Resolve Issues with Corrupt or Missing Network Drivers on Windows EC2 Instances

reg load HKLM\AWSTempSoftware D:\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE reg add HKLM\AWSTempSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /t REG_S

Manage the Clock Source for EC2 Instances Running Linux

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So