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Denial of Service Attack Mitigation on AWS

AWS Shield

AWS Shield is a managed DDoS protection service that is available in two tiers: Standard and Advanced. AWS Shield Standard applies always-on detection and inline mitigation techniques, such as deterministic packet filtering and priority-based traffic shaping, to minimize application downtime and latency. AWS Shield Standard is included automatically and transparently to your Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, Amazon CloudFront distributions, and Amazon Route 53 resources at no additional cost. When you use these services that include AWS Shield Standard, you receive comprehensive availability protection against all known infrastructure layer attacks. Customers who have the technical expertise to manage their own monitoring and mitigation of application layer attacks can use AWS Shield together with

AWS WAF rules to create a comprehensive DDoS attack mitigation strategy.

AWS Shield Advanced provides enhanced DDoS attack detection and monitoring for application-layer traffic to your Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, CloudFront distributions, Amazon Route 53 hosted zones and resources attached to an Elastic IP address, such Amazon EC2 instances. AWS Shield Advanced uses additional techniques to provide granular detection of DDoS attacks, such as resource-specific traffic monitoring to detect HTTP floods or DNS query floods. AWS Shield Advanced includes 24x7 access to the

AWS DDoS Response Team (DRT), support experts who apply manual mitigations for more complex and sophisticated DDoS attacks, directly create or update AWS WAF rules, and can recommend improvements to your AWS architectures. AWS WAF is included at no additional cost for resources that you protect with AWS Shield Advanced.

AWS Shield Advanced includes access to near real-time metrics and reports, for extensive visibility into infrastructure layer and application layer DDoS attacks. You can combine AWS Shield Advanced metrics with additional, fine-tuned AWS WAF metrics for a more comprehensive CloudWatch monitoring and alarming strategy. Customers subscribed to AWS Shield Advanced can also apply for a credit for charges that result from scaling during a DDoS attack on protected Amazon EC2, Amazon CloudFront, Elastic Load Balancing, or Amazon Route 53 resources. See the AWS Shield Developer Guide for a detailed comparison of the two AWS Shield offerings.


AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from common web exploits that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. You can use AWS WAF to define customizable web security rules that control which traffic accesses your web applications. If you use AWS Shield Advanced, you can use AWS WAF at no extra cost for those protected resources and can engage the DRT to create WAF rules.

AWS WAF rules use conditions to target specific requests and trigger an action, allowing you to identify and block common DDoS request patterns and effectively mitigate a DDoS attack. These include size constraint conditions to block a web request based on the length of its query string or request body, and geographic match conditions to implement geo restriction (also known as geoblocking) on requests that originate from specific countries. For a complete list of conditions, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With AWS WAF, you can also create rate-based rules that automatically block requests from a single IP address if they exceed a customer-defined rate limit. One benefit of rate-based rules is that you can block requests from an IP address while it exceeds the threshold, and then automatically allow requests from that same client once they drop to an acceptable rate. This helps ensure that regular viewers are not held in a persistent block list. You can also combine the rate limit with conditions to trigger different actions for distinct scenarios.

Amazon Route 53

One of the most common targets of DDoS attacks is the Domain Name System (DNS). Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable DNS service designed to route end users to infrastructure running inside or outside of AWS. Route 53 makes it possible to manage traffic globally through a variety of routing types, and provides out-of-the-box shuffle sharding and Anycast routing capabilities to protect domain names from DNS-based DDoS attacks.

Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront distributes traffic across multiple edge locations and filters requests to ensure that only valid HTTP(S) requests will be forwarded to backend hosts. CloudFront also supports geoblocking, which you can use to prevent requests from particular geographic locations from being served.

Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, containers, and IP addresses, and multiple Availability Zones, which minimizes the risk of overloading a single resource. Elastic Load Balancing, like CloudFront, only supports valid TCP requests, so DDoS attacks such as UDP and SYN floods are not able to reach EC2 instances. It also offers a single point of management and can serve as a line of defense between the internet and your backend, private EC2 instances. Elastic Load Balancing includes the Application Load Balancer, which is best suited for load balancing of HTTP and HTTPS traffic and also directly supports AWS WAF.

VPCs and Security Groups

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) allows customers to configure subnet routes, public IP addresses, security groups, and network access control lists in order to minimize application attack surfaces. You can configure load balancers and EC2 instance security groups to allow traffic that originates from specific IP addresses only, such as that from CloudFront or AWS WAF, protecting backend application components from a direct attack.


Denial of Service Attack Mitigation on AWS

AWS Shield AWS Shield is a managed DDoS protection service that is available in two tiers: Standard and Advanced. AWS Shield

DDoS --- 分布式拒絕服務(Disturbuted Denial of Service

DDOS攻擊DDOS攻擊都是由僵屍網絡發起的 僵屍網絡的通信協議:IRD --> HTTP --> P2P IRC型僵屍網絡 HTTP型網絡 P2P型網絡 僵屍網絡的危害 發送DDOS攻擊 發送垃圾郵件 竊取敏感信息 搶占系統資源 分布式拒絕服務攻擊:利用分布式的客戶端,像服務提供者

Distributed Denial of Service

Distributed Denial of Service https://www.cnblogs.com/163yun/p/10030890.html 全稱Distributed Denial of Service,中文意思為“分散式拒絕服務”,就是利用大量合法的分散式伺服器對目標傳送請求,從而導致正常

拒絕服務攻擊(DoS, Denial of Service

當一個伺服器處理多個客戶時,它決不能阻塞於只與單個客戶相關相關的某個函式呼叫,否則可能導致伺服器唄掛起,拒絕為其他客戶服務。這就是“拒絕服務(denial of service)型攻擊”。可能解決辦法:(1)使用非阻塞式I/O;(2)讓每個客戶由單獨的執行緒提供服務;(3)

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