1. 程式人生 > >Invoke AWS Lambda when a State (Execution Event) Changes in AWS Step Functions

Invoke AWS Lambda when a State (Execution Event) Changes in AWS Step Functions

Before you begin this procedure, you must:

  • Confirm that the event change that you want to trigger the Lambda function is a supported API action.
  • Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that grants the Step Function state machine the permission to perform any required actions. For example, if you want your state machine to invoke a Lambda function, then you must create an IAM role that includes the permission to invoke a function.
  • Verify that your AWS Management Console is set to the correct AWS Region. Your Step Functions state machine, Lambda function, and CloudWatch Event must all be in the same AWS Region.

Create an AWS Step Functions state machine

2.    Choose Create state machine


3.    To define a custom state machine, choose Author from scratch. To use an available template, choose Templates. For an example template, choose Hello world.

4.    For Name, enter a name for your state machine.

5.    For IAM role, select the IAM role that you created for your state machine.

6.    Choose Create state machine.

Create an AWS Lambda function

2.    Choose Create function.

3.    To create a custom Lambda function, choose Author from scratch. To use an available template, choose Blueprints, select a template, and then choose Configure.

Note: For an example template, choose hello-world-python3.

4.    For Name, enter a name for your function.

5.    If the Runtime option is available, select the runtime for your function.

6.    For Role, choose an existing role or create a role that allows the Lambda function to execute.

Note: For this tutorial, the role must allow the Lambda function to create CloudWatch Logs. For an example, you can choose Create a custom role, then apply the default lambda_basic_execution IAM role. If your Lambda function needs to access other AWS resources, you must add the corresponding permissions.

7.    Choose Create function.

After the function is created, you can update the function code using the AWS Lambda console. For your Lambda function's Code entry type, select Edit code inline to modify the code directly in the console, or select Upload a .ZIP file to upload a deployment package.

To complete this tutorial, follow these steps to modify the function code:

1.    Open the function that you created in the AWS Lambda console.

2.    Under Function code, for Code entry type, select Edit code inline.

3.    Replace the function code with the following: 


Invoke AWS Lambda when a State (Execution Event) Changes in AWS Step Functions

Before you begin this procedure, you must: Confirm that the event change that you want to trigger the Lambda function i

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