1. 程式人生 > >Create an Elastic Beanstalk IIS or .NET Application Package and Deploy Using AWSDeploy

Create an Elastic Beanstalk IIS or .NET Application Package and Deploy Using AWSDeploy

In order to complete the following instructions, you must have the following installed:

Begin by creating a folder structure to store application code, required configuration files, and packages in the same directory as your application resources, similar to the following:

  • c:\mySites\site1
  • c:\mySites\Packages
  • c:\mySites\ConfigFiles

Note: The following procedures refer to these example folders; replace the example folder names with your own folder names.

Last, set up a profile for your AWS account in Visual Studio by following the instructions at

Specifying Credentials.

Create an application package that can be used with Elastic Beanstalk via the CLI tools

There are two different processes depending on whether the application bundle is a website project or a .NET project. The following steps show both possible options to create an Application Package.

Website project

The required configuration file and commands can be extracted from the interactive process when publishing using AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio.

First, publish your Elastic Beanstalk application using the Visual Studio Publish to AWS wizard by following the instructions at Create an Elastic Beanstalk Environment.

Note: Before publishing, ensure that the Output window is open.

The Output window provides an msdeploy.exe command. The following is an example of this command:


Create an Elastic Beanstalk IIS or .NET Application Package and Deploy Using AWSDeploy

In order to complete the following instructions, you must have the following installed: Begin by creating a folder struc

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修改 ges 瀏覽目錄 處理 出現 log ros alt 之前 背景: 公司最近突然多了很多.net系統,領導安排我去部署,於是嘗試了一番,也遇到了很多坑,在部署.net系統之前,需要先開啟IIS服務 一、開啟IIS服務: 進入Windows功能窗口,然後看到inte

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conf 使用 quest The 沒有 last director 改變 etc 假設您已在負載平衡器安全組中啟用https,將SSL證書添加到負載平衡器,將443添加到負載平衡器轉發的端口,並使用Route 53將您的域名指向Elastic Beanstalk環境(或等

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DevOps on AWS之Elastic BeanStalk

Elastic BeanStalk相關概念 童話世界中存在著一種魔力beanstalk(豆莢),種在花盆裡可以無限的向上生長,越長越高直達雲端。AWS Elastic Beanstalk也採用類似概念,使用者只需部署程式碼即可自動處理包括容量預置、負載均衡、自動擴充套件和應用程式執行狀況監控在內的部署工作。

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問題現象: Asp.net Mvc站點部署在IIS上後,第一個使用者第一次訪問站點,都會比較慢,確切的說是訪問站點的Action頁面(即非靜態頁面,因為靜態頁面直接由IIS處理返回給使用者即完成請求,而Action頁面IIS要轉交給Aspnet_Wp工作程序,進而涉及相關初

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錯誤詳情: 這個錯誤曾經困擾了我整整一個下午,百度了好久好久.....也使用Google搜尋了一下,找到了一點相關的內容,但是還是沒有解決問題。最終通過bing搜尋到了這個問題的解決方案(果然親兒子。。。其實沒有什麼聯絡啦...)問題描述如下: Add-Migrat