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Medical Industry today reshaped by the latest innovation in 3D Printing

Medical Industry today reshaped by the latest innovation in 3D Printing

When it comes to 3D Printing, most of us tend to relate that with engineering, construction, special industries and large arrays of consumer products. The reports about the application of 3D Printing and medical industry, including Healthcare often received with a positive note, and yet like a part of the distant future, frequently related with ongoing scientific research and experiments.

That aside, 3D Printing today already take a significant part of our Medical Industry and Healthcare. Some of the latest technology advances employ in that areas:

Dentistry, today a Dentist can provide customized service to their patients in just one appointment, individually customized products that will fit perfectly and reduce the time and cost needed usually for treatment.

Prosthetics, for an example custom-made prosthetics, are expensive, with the traditional technology used today, the cost starting from five thousand dollars and higher, make them unaffordable for the majority of patients that actually need them. Today’s 3D Printing technology is capable to replace the traditional methods for production of custom prosthetics and at the same time reduce the cost significantly make them available for everyone in need.

Medical Models, the essential step to avoid mistakes or surprises now with the help of 3D Printing Technology, Surgeons and Doctors can scan the patient and create an identical custom model on which they could practice in advance the procedure. Moreover, very useful for medical students practice and learning, and reducing the cost of traditionally used technologies for the manufacture of medical models significantly.

Personalized Plasters, lightweight, porous, custom fit and reduce the time needed for healing and adverse side effects of traditional casts, like weight, moisture accumulation, skin inflammation, and plausible infections. 3D Printing application has changed the orthopedic practice today.

Medical Devices and Tools are essential for the outcome of the patient healing process, most importantly in less developed countries, where the supply and affordability of such are irregular or unavailable. Today’s 3D Printing Technology will attain the difference between life and death for those in need.

As a result, using 3D Printing Technology for medical devices and tools reduces the cost significantly, make them available on demand, some examples of medical devices and tools produced today by 3D Printing are: cranial implants, surgical instruments, hearing aids, airway stents, custom spinal implants and more.

In summary, the practical applications of already existing 3D Printing Technologies in the Medical Industry and Healthcare today, transferred our accepted reality into one more related to science fiction. The affordability and effortless applications of 3D Printing Technologies reduce significantly the cost and availability of Healthcare services. That will commit to our overall welfare and health, today and in the future.



Medical Industry today reshaped by the latest innovation in 3D Printing

Medical Industry today reshaped by the latest innovation in 3D PrintingWhen it comes to 3D Printing, most of us tend to relate that with engineering, const

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