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Share a Snapshot Encrypted with a Default CMK

Here is a summary of the necessary steps:

2.    Attach the volume to a temporary EC2 Linux instance.

3.    Use the Linux ‘dd’ utility to copy the data from your encrypted volume to a newly created, unencrypted volume.

4.    Create a snapshot from the unencrypted volume, and share it with the account of your choosing.

Here are the detailed steps:

Naming conventions:

i-cmk = The original instance encrypted using the default KMS CMK.

vol-cmk = The encrypted root volume of the original encrypted instance i-cmk.

i-temp = The temporary “worker instance” to perform the dd operations.

vol-new = New, unencrypted, blank volume, identical in size to vol-cmk, and in the same Availability Zone as vol-cmk.  This will be used to receive the data from vol-cmk, and then to create an unencrypted snapshot that is shareable with another account.

Detailed steps:

2.    Create a snapshot of vol-cmk and/or create an AMI of i-cmk. Use snapshots and AMIs to provide backups for your resources prior to performing any major tasks.

3.    Take note of the i-cmk root device name in the AWS console (/dev/xvda, /dev/sda1, etc., depending upon the Linux distribution).

4.    Launch a new temporary worker EC2 Linux instance (i-temp) of the same type and in the same Availability Zone as i-cmk.

6.    Attach vol-cmk to your temporary worker instance i-temp (attach v-cmk to the temp instance as /dev/xvdf).

7.    Create a new, unencrypted volume (vol-new) and attach it to the temporary worker instance i-temp as /dev/xvdg.

8.    Connect to i-temp and confirm the presence of the root device and both attached volumes using lsblk:


Share a Snapshot Encrypted with a Default CMK

Here is a summary of the necessary steps: 2.    Attach the volume to a temporary EC2 Linux instance. 3.  

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