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Free Kotlin Android course: Learn Kotlin today!

Free Kotlin Android course

This course was written for people that already know about Android and want to start learning Kotlin. With the free Kotlin Android course, you will learn all you need to start writing Android Apps in Kotlin today.

With a set of articles that cover the main topics regarding the language, you will learn in an easy way most of the concepts you need to master the language:


Free Kotlin Android course: Learn Kotlin today!

Free Kotlin Android course This course was written for people that already know about Android and want to start learning Kotlin. With the free Kotlin

< Kotlin > Android Studio3.0 Kotlin工程問題集

問題1: 新建支援Kotlin的Android專案,卡在“Resolve dependency :classpath” 解決分析: 一般碰到“Resolve dependency :classpath”卡著一動不動的,等一會如果還是沒反應,應該就是永遠沒反應

Learn Kotlin while developing an Android App (Introduction)

ContentIntroductionWelcome to this series of Stories where we are going to learn Kotlin, a new JVM language, while developing an Android App. I hope it wil

[Free Guide] Create your first Android App using Kotlin in 15 minutes

The personal data that you provide through this form will be recorded in a file of Antonio Leiva Gordillo, in order to meet your request. The legitimation

Android Json解析Kotlin

style any ray code 鍵值 first aaa use text      1. 首先講一下什麽是Json--下面的就是Json基本格式,其實就是一個鍵值對。 { "people": [ { "firstName": "Brett", "lastNam

android json 解析 kotlin

spa hashmap 函數 三方庫 col msg arraylist 字符串 comm   前面 寫了一次 kotlin解析json 但是,真的寫得太爛,直接刪掉了,現在重新整理一下。順便記錄一下今天坑了我很久的小問題。   1.首先從最簡單的入手吧  

開發Android Camera—使用Kotlin語言,完成第一個自定義相機

對於首次使用Kotlin語言開發,在網上苦於尋找不到Kotlin語言編寫的相機程式碼,故寫下這篇部落格。 好了,咱們進入主題 在Android 5.0(SDK 21)中,Google使用Camera2替代了Camera介面。Camera2在介面和架構上做了巨大的變動,但是基於眾所周知的原

Kotlin Android Extensions: Using View Binding the right way

Kotlin Android Extensions: Using View Binding the right way How to use View Binding in classes other than Activities, Fragments and Views


Kotlin Android Extensions是另一個Kotlin團隊研發的外掛,讓我們用更少的程式碼來開發程式 。 當前僅僅包括了view的繫結。該外掛自動建立了很多的屬性來讓我們直接訪問XML中的view。因此不需要你在佈局中去找到這些views。 我們使用的Vi

KTX 和 Kotlin android extension 都到底是個啥?

1. KTX是什麼 A set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development. The goal of Android KTX is to make Android development with Kotlin mo

Android Developers Blog: Kotlin Momentum for Android and Beyond

Posted by James Lau (@jmslau), Product Manager Today marks the beginning of KotlinConf 2018 - the largest in-person gathering of the Kotlin community a

Android Architecture Components & Kotlin

View Model Creation in Android — Android Architecture Components & KotlinI have just recently started using Google’s Android Architectural Components,




前言 kotlin是啥?這裡就不用多說了,想必看這篇文章的童鞋肯定是有所瞭解的。 那麼這篇文章你可以收穫什麼? 答:本文主要通過本人如何從java轉戰到kotlin並應用在實際專案中的個人經歷,給大家提供一些學習思路、學習方法以及一些學習資料

Kotlin Android入門學習一

Kotlin 是一種基於 JVM 的新的程式語言,由 JetBrains 開發,在 Apache 許可下已經開源; 主要優點有:開源、語言簡潔、安全、通用、互操作、句末不用分號、跟java互通!哈哈! Konlin在Android studio 中應用:

java/Kotlin/android 判斷是否是url 的正則

//域名字尾,需要可以新增 private static final String[] come = { "top", "com.cn", "com", "net", "cn", "cc", "gov", "cn", "hk" }; public

What do 17 Google Developers Experts for Android think about Kotlin?

I started developing for Android as a natural evolution from being a Java guy. The language was shared, so I decided to give it a try. And it was a c

Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Part 1

Disclaimer: I am a Google employee, but the views expressed in this article are not those of my employer.Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Pa

Kotlin Android Extensions: Say goodbye to findViewById

If you’ve been developing Android Apps for some time, you’re probably already tired of working with findViewById in your day-to-day life to recover v

Create your first Android project using Kotlin (KAD 01)

Today I’m starting a set of 30 articles about Kotlin for Android Developers (KAD). In these articles I’ll be talking about the most important parts o