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How to Register a Domain Name

In this tutorial you will register a new domain name for your website. You will then connect that domain name through the Domain Name System (DNS) to a currently running EC2 instance (such as a WebApp, or website running WordPress, Apache, NGINX, IIS, or other Website platform). If you already have a domain name registered, do step 1 and then refer to your domain registrar’s documentation for how to set the DNS record for your new site.

Cost implications:

There's an annual fee to register a domain, ranging from $9 to several hundred dollars, depending on the top-level domain, such as .com. For more information, see Amazon Route 53 Pricing for Domain Registration. This fee is not refundable.

When you register a domain, we automatically create a hosted zone that has the same name as the domain. You use the hosted zone to specify where you want Amazon Route 53 to route traffic for your domain. The fee for a hosted zone is $0.50 per month. You can delete the hosted zone if you want to avoid this charge.


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