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AWS at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018

KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Seattle 2018 logo

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018 is shaping up to be the largest gathering of the cloud native open source community in 2018. Besides being in our hometown of Seattle, KubeCon is a great opportunity to learn about the latest technologies and techniques for building modern, cloud native applications.

AWS will be at KubeCon with co-located events, happy hours, talks, and a booth where you can meet and learn from AWS engineers. Let’s take a look at everything that’s going on day-by-day:

Co-Located Events on Monday, December 10th

We’re kicking off the week with three educational events, an opportunity for you to dive deep and get hands-on experience building with cloud native technologies on AWS.

AWS Day at Kubecon

AWS Day at KubeCon is a free, full-day workshop dedicated to getting you up and running using Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) on AWS. Whether you’re just beginning to learn about building applications with Kubernetes or are already running production workloads at scale in the cloud, you will be sure to gain fresh insights and learn new things about mastering Kubernetes on AWS.

When: Monday, December 10th, 8:30am – 5:30pm
Where: Amazon Headquarters, Seattle
Registration: Free to attend, but space is limited. Register now for AWS Day at KubeCon.

Kubesec Enterprise Summit

Co-hosted by Aqua Security, AWS, and Red Hat, KubeSec Enterprise Summit is focused on the challenges larger organizations face in meeting demanding security and compliance requirements when deploying Kubernetes in production. This one-day event will provide a unique opportunity to hear from others who have already deployed Kubernetes to support highly secure solutions, as well as a range of industry and technology experts in securing cloud-native applications.

When: Monday, December 10th 10:00am – 4:30pm
Where: Washington State Convention Center, Seattle
Registration: $179 to attend. This is a KubeCon co-located event; you must be registered for KubeCon to attend. Information and registration for Kubesec Enterprise Summit.

AWS Booth

Stop by the AWS booth (D2) during KubeCon to learn more about running Kubernetes and other cloud native, open source technologies on the AWS cloud. We’ll have AWS engineers, live demonstrations, and chalk talks every hour covering Kubernetes, containers, microservices, and modern application development on AWS.

When: Sponsor showcase hours –Tuesday, December 11th – Thursday, December 13th
Where: Booth #D2, KubeCon Sponsor Showcase

AWS Sessions at Kubecon

Don’t miss attending these talks at KubeCon led by AWS engineers and subject matter experts:

Monday, 12/10

At the Observability Practitioners Summit (a new conference focused on monitoring and observability – separate registration required):

Who Watches the Watchers
When: 9:20am – 9:55am
Who: Adrian Cockcroft, VP Cloud Architecture Strategy, AWS
Where: Tahoma 1+2 @ TCC The Conference Center (TCC) – Separate from the WSCC building

Tuesday, 12/11

What’s Next for etcd Cluster Management?
When: 1:45 PM – 2:20 PM
Who: Gyuho Lee – Software Development Engineer, AWS
Where: Ballroom 6A

Keynote: Open Source & Containers on AWS
When: 6:32PM – 6:37PM
Who: Arun Gupta – Principal OSS Technologist, AWS
Where: Hall 4EF

Wednesday, 12/12

Intro: AWS SIG
When: 11:40 AM – 12:15 PM
Who: Nishi Davidson – Engineering Lead for OSS Container Services, AWS
Where: Room 618-620

Using Prow for Testing Outside of K8s
When: 2:35 PM – 3:10 PM
Who: Matt Landis – Software Development Engineer, AWS
Where: Ballroom 6C

Monitor the World: Meaningful Metrics for Containerized Apps and Clusters
When: 2:35 PM – 3:10 PM
Who: Nick Turner – Software Development Engineer, AWS & Nic Cope – Staff Software Engineer, Planet Labs
Where: Room 606-609

Join Us!

KubeCon + CloudNative Con 2018 is going to be the biggest event of the year dedicated to running containers and cloud native technologies.

If you haven’t already registered, the show is sold out. You can add yourself to the waitlist.

After the show, we’ll post a wrap-up of sessions and activities here on the blog.

We’ll see you in Seattle!


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