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Understand What Happens When Reserved Instances Expire

When a Reserved Instance expires, any instances that were covered by the Reserved Instance are billed at the on-demand price—no instances are shut down or terminated because a Reserved Instance has expired. You can continue using the Amazon EC2 instances without interruption.

Reserved Instances only affect the pricing plan of a matching instance. When a Reserved Instance expires, you might notice a change in the pricing of one or more of your instances. This is because a Reserved Instance that matches the characteristics of one or more of your instances are no longer receiving the benefit of Reserved Instance pricing.

If you want to continue receiving the pricing benefit a particular Reserved Instance offered, purchase an identical Reserved Instance when your instance expires. 


Understand What Happens When Reserved Instances Expire

When a Reserved Instance expires, any instances that were covered by the Reserved Instance are billed at the on-demand price—no instances are s

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Promotional Credits and Reserved Instances

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