1. 程式人生 > >Fix "CharacterStringTooLong" Errors When Creating TXT Records

Fix "CharacterStringTooLong" Errors When Creating TXT Records

As a workaround, you can create multiple records instead of using one.

In this example, we create 2 records that each contain roughly half of the desired record content. You can store some validated IP addresses in a TXT SPF record and then store the rest in a second one. For example, spfva.example.com contains half of the validated IPs/CIDRs, and spfvb.example.com contains the other half. You can use the "include" SPF macro to refer to all the SPF records and then use them in your domain or subdomain as a TXT record only.

Alternatively, you could include 3 records as follows:


Fix "CharacterStringTooLong" Errors When Creating TXT Records

As a workaround, you can create multiple records instead of using one. In this example, we create 2 records that each contain roughl

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