1. 程式人生 > >Use Amazon Linux AMI Native Binary Packages in a Lambda Deployment Package

Use Amazon Linux AMI Native Binary Packages in a Lambda Deployment Package

A Lambda deployment package is a .zip file that contains your code and any dependencies. The Lambda execution environment is based on a specific Amazon Linux AMI and kernel version. Any native binaries that are used in a Lambda deployment package must be compiled in this environment, and only 64-bit binaries are supported.

To use the Amazon Linux AMI native binary packages, you can extract the 64-bit libraries and then include them in your Lambda deployment package. (Another option, that is not covered in this article, is to download the source code to the shared library and then recompile the package.)


Use Amazon Linux AMI Native Binary Packages in a Lambda Deployment Package

A Lambda deployment package is a .zip file that contains your code and any dependencies. The Lambda execution environment is based on a specifi

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