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Build Your Most Ambitious Games

We believe game developers deserve another choice. That’s why we’re building Lumberyard: a game engine with no royalties or seat fees, frictionless integration with Twitch and AWS, plus much more on the horizon. 


Build Your Most Ambitious Games

We believe game developers deserve another choice. That’s why we’re building Lumberyard: a game engine with no royalties or seat fees, frictionle

Microsoft Azure Tutorial: Build your first movie inventory web app with just a few lines of code

tro options core any call jpg should nav lines Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post from Mustafa Mahmutovi?, a Microsoft Student

POJ 3907 Build Your Home | 計算多邊形面積

line cstring i+1 return 多邊形 ble def != poi 給個多邊形 計算面積 輸出要四舍五入 直接用向量叉乘就好 四舍五入可以+0.5向下取整 #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm>

POJ3907:Build Your Home——題解

das main def body scanf fabs poj round ash http://poj.org/problem?id=3907 題目大意:求多邊形面積,結果四舍五入。 —————&mdash

build your own website 1 -- how to install Apache Server

tps href root res apache2 sys targe serve name Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 Web Server ? most often used Web Server software is freely

Snap Build Your Own Blocks輸入中文解決辦法

val 它的 解決方法 關心 信息 span 技術分享 應該 輸出 Snap Build Your Own Blocks輸入中文解決辦法 Snap! (formerly BYOB) is a visual, drag-and-drop programming languag

【POJ 3907】Build Your Home

【題目】 傳送門 Description Mr. Tenant is going to buy a new house. In fact, he is going to buy a piece of land and build his new house on it. In o

1015 - 計算幾何之多邊形的面積 - Build Your Home(POJ 3907)

傳送門   題意 順時針或逆時針給出多邊形的頂點,求該多邊形的面積   分析 很基礎…… 利用叉積的性質,每次選擇相鄰的兩個點做叉積,把答案累加起來 由於方向的問題,最後要取一個絕對值 又因為叉積算的是平行四邊形的面積,所以還要除以2

check out your most used linux commands

bash $ cut -f1 -d" " ~/ .bash_history | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -100 zsh cat ~/.zsh_history|cut -d ';' -f 2- 2>/dev/null| awk '

POJ3907 Build Your Home(向量基本運算求多邊形面積)

古伽蘭那 【題目大意】 給你一個多邊形,詢問其面積。 【輸入格式】 輸入包含多組資料,每組資料第一個數為N,表示為N邊形,接下來給出N對(x,y),表示多邊形頂點的座標(x,y為實數,頂點按順時針或逆時針給出) 【輸出格式】 對於每組資料輸出多邊形面積(四捨五入)

Build Your Own React - Part 4: Lists and Keys

The last and final feature we'll add to Minimum Viable React are keys. By keys, I refer to the key attribute that you should assig

Build Your Own React - Part 3: State and Lifecycle

In this part, we'll add state, i.e. setState() method, to our framework. We can already build stateful applications by passing down pro

Build Your Own React - Part 2: Components

In this article, we pick up where we left off in part 1. Our first app isn't particularly impressive, but it works well and has some fe

Build Your Own React - Part 1: Simple Elements

Build Your Own React - Part 1: Simple Elements   In this series of articles, we'll build a simple React-like framework. I call itMinimum Viab

How to build your own Neural Network from scratch in Python

How to build your own Neural Network from scratch in PythonA beginner’s guide to understanding the inner workings of Deep LearningMotivation: As part of my

Ask HN: What are your favorite browser games?

I personally really enjoy Johnny Upgrade and Combat: Online. They're in my gaming site, games.instantfloppy.net. Originally by Gameshot

Messenger Platform: Build your own chatbot for Facebook Messenger

Chatfuel is one of the major players that provides easy to use interface and requires almost no-coding until you chose to develop a static chatbot. To get

How to build your React Native team.

3. Managing your projectLeverage your existing Javascript and Web developers.Don’t make your web developers deal with Android build issues.Once you have yo

Using AI To Build Your Stock Portfolio

With the release of the new iPhone XS and the more popular XS Max, Apple may be on the verge of it's highest grossing iPhone release yet. Not to mention be

Ask HN: What are your most common typos in your workflow?

I think mine is probably in vim, where I'm trying to do a :w to save but it comes out as ':W' with the capital because I hit the 'w' while still holding sh