1. 程式人生 > >Suspicious Email Reporting

Suspicious Email Reporting

If you receive an email purporting to be from Amazon and you aren't sure if it's legitimate, it may be a phishing email. Phishing emails look like they come from a reputable source, but in reality they come from a malicious person trying to trick you into opening an attachment or clicking on a link.

Some phishing e-mails contain a link to a website that looks like Amazon.com, but is not our site. The website may ask you for your Amazon username and password or try to install unwanted software on your computer in an attempt to steal your personal information or access your computer. Other e-mails contain links that may redirect you to other potentially dangerous websites.

The email may also include attachments, which typically contain malware that will be installed on your computer. If you received a message like this, you should delete it without clicking any links or opening any attachments.

If you wish to report an e-mail purporting to be from Amazon that you believe is a forgery, you may do so here:

Report suspicious e-mails to Amazon. You may also forward phishing emails and other suspected forgeries directly to


Suspicious Email Reporting

If you receive an email purporting to be from Amazon and you aren't sure if it's legitimate, it may be a phishing email. Phishing emails loo

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