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CJIS Security Policy on AWS

This Quick Start deploys a standardized environment that helps organizations with workloads that fall in scope for the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy version 5.6. (Note that this Quick Start will help organizations get started, but additional effort will be needed for full alignment to the CJIS Security Policy.)

These requirements typically apply to systems that must go through a formal assessment and authorization process to ensure sufficient protection of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and information systems, based on the security category and impact level of the system (low, moderate, or high), and a risk determination.

The deployment is automated by customizable AWS CloudFormation templates and scripts that build and configure the environment in about 30 minutes. The Quick Start also includes a security controls matrix (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet), which shows how the Quick Start components and configuration map to CJIS requirements.

This Quick Start is part of a set of AWS compliance offerings, which provide security-focused architecture solutions to help Managed Service Providers (MSPs), cloud provisioning teams, developers, integrators, and information security teams follow strict security, compliance, and risk management controls. For additional Quick Starts in this category, see the Quick Start catalog.


CJIS Security Policy on AWS

This Quick Start deploys a standardized environment that helps organizations with workloads that fall in scope for the Criminal Justice Informatio

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Content Security Policy Level 2 介紹

提醒:本文最後更新於 815 天前,文中所描述的資訊可能已發生改變,請謹慎使用。 兩年前,我寫過一篇介紹 Content Security Policy(CSP)的文章(詳情),CSP 是一個用來定義頁面可以載入或執行哪些資源的協議,目前已經發展到了 Level 2(協議地址)。我在本站之前的文

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