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Update the Directory Settings for a WorkSpace

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Update the Directory Settings for a WorkSpace

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Modify the Running Mode of a WorkSpace

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

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[IDEA]IntelliJ IDEA匯入JDK出現The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK問題的解決方法

昨天在實驗室的桌上型電腦上配置Java。之前一直在MAC上都是使用IntelliJ IDEA玩耍,這次也不能少了它。馬上上官網下載了一個Windows版的,用學生帳號註冊完之後,就可以直接使用了!但是在匯入JDK的時候遇到了問題 ,下圖是新增JDK的介面: 點選new按鈕後出現下圖:

IntelliJ IDEA The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK 錯誤解決辦法

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Ask HN: What's the best supply chain management software for a small businesses?

I'm currently researching on multiple options to manage the supply chain for my business : http://tarunaturals.com/

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Forget About Artificial Intelligence for a Minute: Consider the Possibilities of Augmented IntelligenceI will resist the urge to write a couple of paragrap