1. 程式人生 > >Resolve AWS Data Pipeline error "Resource is stalled. Associated tasks not able to make progress."

Resolve AWS Data Pipeline error "Resource is stalled. Associated tasks not able to make progress."

Here are some common reasons why Amazon EC2 instances time out in Data Pipeline.

Software updates after launch

If you don't specify the optional imageId field for the Ec2Resource object, Data Pipeline defaults to an older Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Instances launched from older AMIs automatically install software updates after they launch, and they might time out in Data Pipeline.

Use one of the following options to resolve this issue:

  • Specify the latest AMI in the imageId field for the Ec2Resource object. This significantly reduces the amount of time required for software updates.
  • Use an existing resource instead of the Ec2Resource
    object. Install Task Runner on an existing EC2 instance, and then add a workerGroup field to connect the object to the pipeline activities that it should process. For more information, see Executing Work on Existing Resources Using Task Runner.

Network connectivity

Task Runner must be able to access the AWS Data Pipeline endpoint and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This means that the virtual private cloud (VPC) that the EC2 instance is in must have a subnet and an internet gateway.

Keep the following subnet requirements in mind:

  • If the EC2Resource object is launched in a public subnet, the subnet's route table must point to an internet gateway.
  • If the EC2Resource object is launched in a private subnet, the subnet's route table must point to a NAT instance or NAT gateway that has a route to an internet gateway. You can use an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint for Amazon S3 to access an S3 bucket in the same region as the VPC.

Task Runner installation failure

When you use the EC2Resource object, cloud-init installs Task Runner. If installation fails, the Amazon EC2 instance can't communicate with the Data Pipeline endpoint. For example, if the pipelineLogUri field contains unexpected characters, such as quotation marks, the Task Runner installation script fails. Check the cloud-init logs for the EC2 instance to find out why the installation failed.

Note: After you change a pipeline definition, you must reactivate the pipeline for your changes to take effect. For more information, see Editing Your Pipeline.

Missing AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission

The IAM instance profile used by the EC2 instance must give Task Runner permission for the APIs that Task Runner attempts to call, such as PollForTask. Connect to the EC2 instance and then check the Task Runner logs to find out if a missing permission is causing the error.


Resolve AWS Data Pipeline error "Resource is stalled. Associated tasks not able to make progress."

Here are some common reasons why Amazon EC2 instances time out in Data Pipeline. Software updates after launch If you don

引用系統資源 error Error Resource is not public

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引用系統資源 error Error Resource is not public

                本文轉自: http://www.cnblogs.com/vieboo/archive/2013/05/30/3108130.html宣告: 1)利用系統定義的id <ListView    android:id="@android:id/list"使用android.R

AWS Data Pipeline資料處理_資料驅動型工作流管理系統

AWS Data Pipeline 是一種 Web 服務,可幫助您可靠地處理資料並以指定的間隔在不同 AWS 計算與儲存服務以及本地資料來源之間移動資料。利用 AWS Data Pipeline,您可以定期在您儲存資料的位置訪問資料,大規模轉換和處理資料,並高效地將結果傳

AWS Data Pipeline開發人員資源_資料處理服務

Amazon Web Services 誠聘精英。 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 是 Amazon.com 的一個充滿活力、不斷壯大的業務部門。我們現誠聘軟體開發工程師、產品經理、客戶經理、解決方案架構師、支援工程師、系統工程師以及設計師等人才。請訪問我

AWS Data Pipeline價格_資料處理服務

例如,在 AWS 上執行日常作業(低頻活動),即將 Amazon DynamoDB 資料表複製到 Amazon S3 每月需要收費 0.60 USD。如果一個 Amazon EC2 活動新增到了相同的管道中,以根據 Amazon S3 中的資料生成報告,則管道的總花費將為每月 1.2

引用系統資源 error: Error: Resource is not public.

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