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View AWS Payments

You can view your AWS billing and payments information in the Billing and Cost Management console.

Viewing current or past AWS bills

To view your AWS bill, open the Bills pane of the Billing and Cost Management console, and then choose the month you want to view from the drop-down menu.

Important: Because you're charged for what you use, it's a best practice to check your AWS billing often. Consider checking your billing weekly, or after you change the services or architecture you use.

Bills are final at the beginning of each month. After a bill is final, you can download a PDF version of your bill, as well as any applicable tax invoices from the Bills


Viewing your payments to AWS

You can view the history of your payments to AWS in the Payment History pane of the Billing and Cost Management console.

  • If your seller of record is Amazon Web Services, AWS automatically charges your default payment method between the 3rd and 5th of the following month.
  • If your seller of record is Amazon Internet Services Private Limited (AISPL), you pay your final bill manually each month. For more information, see Managing an Account in India.

If you have outstanding AWS bills, or your automatic payment to your credit card fails, retry your payment using the Pay Now link next to any unpaid bills.


View AWS Payments

You can view your AWS billing and payments information in the Billing and Cost Management console. Viewing current or past AWS bills

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