1. 程式人生 > >ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on "OE"."PURCHAS

ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on "OE"."PURCHAS

      操作環境:Oracle Linux 6.5+Oracle11g

      今天在用資料泵匯出表空間的實驗中出現一個錯誤:ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on  第一次遇到這個錯誤,從Oracle 11g的官方文件Oracle® Database Error Messages 11g Release 2 (11.2) (編號E17766-03)一書中查到如下錯誤描述:

     ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on string
Cause: An unprivileged user has tried to export a table that has fine grain access control. The table owner is subjected to access control and may not be able to export all rows in the table. Only the rows that can be seen by that user will be exported. In order to preserve integrity of the table, the user importing the table should have enough privilege to recreate the table with the security policies at import time.
Action: It is strongly recommended that the database administrator handle exporting of this table.

        解決的辦法就是將EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY這個許可權賦給system使用者:






ORA-39181: Only partial table data may be exported due to fine grain access control on "OE"."PURCHAS

      操作環境:Oracle Linux 6.5+Oracle11g       今天在用資料泵匯出表空間的實驗中出現一個錯誤:ORA-39181: Only partial table dat

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