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The Public Sector Guide to re:Invent 2018

The countdown is on until re:Invent 2018!

This guide is designed to help public sector attendees plan their experience and identify breakout sessions and events of interest. It is intended to complement the re:Invent app, which will help attendees navigate the conference onsite.

Although re:Invent is a big conference, the strength of the public sector community makes it a much more intimate experience. From networking activities to public sector-specific activities, use this guide to prepare for the big event. View the guide here.


The Public Sector Guide to re:Invent 2018

The countdown is on until re:Invent 2018! This guide is designed to help public sector attendees plan their experience and identi

Your AWS CloudFormation guide to re:Invent 2018

There are less than two weeks left until re:Invent 2018. As in years past, AWS CloudFormation will be there, both behind the scenes deplo

Your Guide to AI and Machine Learning at re:Invent 2018

re:Invent 2018 is almost here! As you plan your agenda, artificial intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly a hot topic on your list. This year w

[Updated Nov 21] Media & Entertainment Guide to AWS re:Invent 2018

From November 26 through November 30, over 50,000 attendees will spread out across  on the Las Vegas Strip, which promises to make re:Inv

【容器魔方解讀】AWS Re:Invent 2018大會

每年雲端計算領域技術與商業風向標之一的AWS Re:Invent大會上週在美國拉斯×××召開,如往屆一樣,AWS密集釋出了上百項的新產品或新技術。隨著國內近兩年雲端計算尤其是公有云的普及度越來越高,國內各技術媒體和開發者對AWS Re:Invent高度關注,很多資訊幾乎是與美國無時差地傳遞到國內。前期容器魔方

一篇文章帶你看懂AWS re:Invent 2018大會,揭祕Amazon Aurora

本文由雲+社群發表 | 本文作者: 劉峰,騰訊雲NewSQL資料庫產品負責人。曾職於聯想研究院,Teradata北京研發中心,從事資料庫相關工作8年。2017年加入騰訊資料庫產品中心,擔任NewSQL資料庫產品負責人。 雲資料庫與傳統資料庫的戰爭已打響,一個字概括就是“搶”。 如火如茶的 AWS re

一篇文章帶你看懂AWS re:Invent 2018大會,揭秘Amazon Aurora

2018年 保健 god 發揮 監控服務 insight 遊戲機 pci 雲計算 本文由雲+社區發表 | 本文作者: 劉峰,騰訊雲NewSQL數據庫產品負責人。曾職於聯想研究院,Teradata北京研發中心,從事數據庫相關工作8年。2017年加入騰訊數據庫產品中心,擔任Ne

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re:Invent 2018に向けて 2018年11月後半アップデートのまとめ 第二弾

みなさん、こんにちは。アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン、プロダクトマーケティング エバンジェリストの亀田です。 サンフランシスコの空港に到著し、ラスベガス行きの飛行機を待っています。ラスベガスでは空港でre:Invent2018へのチェックインができるよう

AWS re:Invent 2018 기조 연설 온라인 생중계 및 세미나 안내

2018년 11월 26일부터 29일까지(미국 태평양 시간)  미국 라스베가스에서 개최하는 AWS re:Invent 행사는 전 세계 최대 클라우드 컴퓨팅 컨퍼런스입니다. 클라우드 기술의 미래를 보여 줄 수 있는 새로운 아마존웹서비스의 서비스와 기능이 발표되고 개발