AWS Startup Stories
Will Bentinck has co-founded or helped scale several commercial and social enterprises, usually with a focus on employment or education, or both. At Makers Academy, he works with tech employers large and small to help them attract, select and retain top software engineers. He's previously consulted with companies and candidates to improve recruitment processes and help people into jobs they love. He also chaired the Education subgroup of the Tech London Advocates; sat on the boards of EdTech UK, BCS Entrepreneurs, UnLtd SEE Change and Learning Futures; coaches at a variety of startup accelerators; and was one of 100 young people invited to the UN to tackle the global youth employment crises
AWS Startup Stories
Will Bentinck has co-founded or helped scale several commercial and social enterprises, usually with a focus on employment or education,
Startup Customer Success Stories
With an ambition to connect 20 million cars across Europe by 2020 through its SPARK technology, Springworks needed a highly scalable s
Startup Central en el AWS Summit Ciudad de México
Los AWS Summits son una serie de eventos globales, gratuitos que reúnen a toda la comunidad de la nube y la siguiente semana, AW
AWS Educate Success Stories: Podcasts, Testimonials & News
Scott Ralls is the President of Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA). With over 70,000 degree students and 20,000 workforce studen
Aws Dynamodb數據導出到S3
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