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Customer Testimonials

Custom Ink enables people to design and order custom t-shirts and gear for their clubs, companies, charities, family reunions, and more. Custom Ink got started using AWS Lambda for server automation tasks including starting and stopping non-critical servers and managing backups. These automation tasks worked well in production, and the company decided to migrate their clipart and graphics service to AWS Lambda. This service allows customers to apply a number of effects (flip, rotate, palette swaps), to their own artwork or any piece of clipart in the Custom Ink library.

The migration took three months to complete and has now reduced their costs by a factor of 90% and increased service reliability, with a 0.005 error rate for 2,000 requests per minute. Custom Ink benefits from AWS Lambda's automatic scaling, and keeps bad requests from affecting overall service health better than if they were managing it independently. A serverless architecture allows Custom Ink to handle peak traffic without alerts, and let customers generate high DPI clipart and recover from bad user uploads without manual intervention. By using a serverless approach, Custom Ink was able to reduce the cost of the platform, and increase its scalability and availability. The operations team can now focus on other areas since they no longer need to constantly manage the service.


Amazon Aurora Customer Testimonials

Pagely is the WordPress hosting leader in innovation, speed, scalability, and security, with thousands of clients ranging from the largest tech

Customer Testimonials

Custom Ink enables people to design and order custom t-shirts and gear for their clubs, companies, charities, family reunions, and more. Custom

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Uva 1153 Keep the Customer Satisfied (貪心+優先隊列)

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23. 客戶默認選項(Default Customer Options)

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2017.6. 15 MS Power BI workshop for customer

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S/4HANA for Customer Management裏的搜索分頁處理

針對 應用 RR 都是 前臺 1-58 ref per 介紹 這篇文章的英文版我發在了SAP Community上:Paging Implementation in S/4HANA for Customer Management https://blogs.sap.com/

代寫Java小程序: Finding customer clusters at the Telco

port AR rip ould sco gre 編程 href 領域 There can be no extensions to this date. All assignments for this subject for this semester MUST be s

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如何在SAP Cloud for Customer自定義BO中創建訪問控制

global ssp 我會 TP BE lis 訪問權限 author ext 文章作者: Yi 已獲得Yi的轉載許可。 訪問控制方式和使用註意事項 1. C4C中的訪問控制有兩種方式 RelevantForAccessControl AccessControlConte

使用nodejs消費SAP Cloud for Customer上的Web service

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uva1153 Keep the Customer Satisfied

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SAP CRM和Cloud for Customer中的Event handler(事件處理器)

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SAP Cloud for Customer(C4C)的一些學習資料

https des f2c 博客 view load img 搜索結果 sig 經常有顧問朋友們問我想自學C4C,有什麽好的資料。 SAP內部確實有一些C4C培訓材料,但是不能散布到公司外部。 想學習C4C,還是得到SAP官網網站上查找資料。 1. 登錄https://he

SAP Cloud for Customer客戶主數據的重復檢查-Levenshtein算法

算法 開啟 cor 檢查 conf cat ron weak 原創 SAP C4C的客戶主數據創建時的重復檢查,基於底層HANA數據庫的模糊查找功能,根據掃描數據庫中已有的數據檢測出當前正在創建的客戶主數據是否和數據庫中記錄有重復。 在系統裏開啟重復檢查的配置: 在此處

SAP Cloud for Customer客戶主數據的地圖集成

技術分享 按鈕 1-58 圖片 rip png 軟件 圖集 地址 點擊這個按鈕可以通過地圖的方式查看C4C客戶在地圖上的地理位置: 只需要在這個客戶的地址欄裏維護上天府軟件園的經度和維度: 就能夠在C4C的客戶列表頁面裏顯示該客戶在地圖上的位置: 要獲取更多Jerr

SAP Cloud for Customer Extensibility的設計與實現

容易 先後 ava 存儲 實施 try 基本 名稱 的區別 今天的文章來自Jerry的同事,SAP成都研究院C4C開發團隊的開發人員徐歡(Xu Boris)。徐歡就坐我左手邊的位置,因此我工作中但凡遇到C4C的技術問題,一扭頭就可以請教他了,非常方便。下圖是他辦公室的桌面。

Hello World, S/4HANA for Customer Management 1.0

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利用CRM中間件Middleware從ERP下載Customer Material的常見錯誤

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SAP Cloud for Customer客戶主資料的重複檢查-Levenshtein演算法

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