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Announcing EKoSystem Day – A Day with the EKS Community

Our goal at AWS has always been to ensure that the partner community around every AWS service is rich, vibrant, and ready to meet the diverse usage scenarios of our customers.

At the launch of Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) today, over 25 partners from the AWS and Kubernetes communities have announced their integration with EKS from day one. For details, see the

list of projects supporting EKS at launch.

Join us at the EKoSystem Day event on June 11, 10:00 AM at the new AWS Loft space in San Francisco, where ten of these partners will demonstrate how their integration with EKS addresses real-life customer scenarios spanning DevOps, security, storage, management, and monitoring.

If you’re unable to join us in person in San Francisco, join us online! All EKoSystem Day demos will be live streamed via twitch.tv/aws.

EKoSystem Day continues with a workshop in the afternoon: an Introduction to Kubernetes with Amazon EKS. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn the advantages of containers, Kubernetes, and cloud-native design. Engineers from Heptio and AWS will walk through creating and deploying containers using Amazon EKS, and you will experience the immediate benefits of leveraging a microservices architecture.


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