1. 程式人生 > >053第485題


485.Which steps are mandatory to enable Direct NFS?
1. Mount all required file systems using the kernel NFS driver.
2. Create an oranfstab file containing the attributes for each NFS server to be accessed using Direct NFS.
3. Replace the ODM library libodm11.so_stub with libodm11.so.
A. 2 and 3
B. 1 and 3

C. 1 and 2
D. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: B

有人說A才是對的,看下面的描述,B應該是對的,oranfstab file是可選項

Enabling Direct NFS
You must follow these steps to enable Direct NFS:
1.You must mount all NFS mount points with your kernel NFS client. You must make sure you mount any file systems you plan on using through ODM NFS and make the file systems available to Oracle over regular NFS mounts.

2.If you want to specify Oracle-specific options to Direct NFS, you’ll need an oranfstab file. This is an optional step. The oranfstab file must have the following attributes so the database can access all NFS servers through Direct NFS:

3. You must replace the standard ODM library, libnfsodm10.so, with the ODM NFS library, as shown here:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib
$ mv libodmll.so libodmll.so_stub
$ ln -s libnfsodm11.so libodm11.so



485.Which steps are mandatory to enable Direct NFS?1. Mount all required file systems using the kernel NFS driver.2. Create an oranfstab


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