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AWS Marketplace: OrientDB Community Edition 2.2.31

OrientDB is an Open Source NoSQL DBMS with the features of both Document and Graph DBMSs. Written in Java, it is incredibly fast: it can store up to 150,000 records per second on common hardware. Even for a Document based database, the relationships are managed as in Graph Databases with direct connections among records. You can traverse parts of or entire trees and graphs of records in a few milliseconds. Supports schema-less, schema-full and schema-mixed modes. Has a strong security profiling system based on user and roles and supports SQL amongst the query languages. Thanks to the SQL layer, it's straightforward to use for those skilled in the relational database world.




Operating System

Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux 2017.09.0

Delivery Methods

  • Amazon Machine Image


AWS Marketplace: OrientDB Community Edition 2.2.31

OrientDB is an Open Source NoSQL DBMS with the features of both Document and Graph DBMSs. Written in Java, it is incredibly fast: it can store up

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給定區間[-231次方, 231次方]內的3個整數A、B和C,請判斷A+B是否大於C。

pat鏈接:https://www.nowcoder.com/pat/6/problem/4077題目描述給定區間[-2的31次方, 2的31次方]內的3個整數A、B和C,請判斷A+B是否大於C。輸入描述:輸入第1行給出正整數T(<=10),是測試用例的個數。隨後給出T組測試用例,每組占一行,順序給出A


規模 選擇排序 input ota 猜想 quick bsp als his 2.1.31雙倍測試。編寫一個能夠對排序算法進行雙倍測試的用例。數組規模N的起始值為1000,排序後打印N、估計排序用時、實際排序用時以及在N增倍之後兩次用時的比例。用這段程序驗證在隨機輸入模型下

pat:給定區間[-231次方, 231次方]內的3個整數A、B和C,請判斷A+B是否大於C。

題目描述 給定區間[-2的31次方, 2的31次方]內的3個整數A、B和C,請判斷A+B是否大於C。 輸入描述: 輸入第1行給出正整數T(<=10),是測試用例的個數。隨後給出T組測試用例,每組佔一行,順序給出A、B和C。整數間以空格分隔。 輸出描述:

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/* Exercise 2-10. Rewrite the function lower, which converts upper case letters to lower case, with a conditional expression instea


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