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AWS Mobile

Commencez avec votre propre application ou utilisez l'un de nos kits de démarrage qui vous permettent de bénéficier d'une application entièrement fonctionnelle avec un frontend et un backend préconfigurés.


Install the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS in a Swift Application

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

FAQ AWS Mobile

Avec AWS Mobile Hub, vous pouvez configurer un espace de stockage dans le cloud pour des ressources d'application, comme des fichiers de ressourc

AWS Mobile

Commencez avec votre propre application ou utilisez l'un de nos kits de démarrage qui vous permettent de bénéficier d'une application entièrem

AWS Mobile Blog

Today we’re launching the AWS Amplify Command Line Interface (CLI) toolchain for developers. AWS Amplify is an open-source library that you can

Announcing AWS Amplify and the AWS Mobile CLI

The JavaScript ecosystem is thriving. Every day there are new use cases and functionality across web and mobile ecosystems. Developers are buildin

AWS Mobile App Updates

There are many components to consider when designing the workflow for your mobile app updates. One approach is to leverage native app-store

AWS Mobile App Backend

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides many services to help customers architect a secure, agile, and scalable backend for their hybrid mobile

AWS Mobile Hub常見問題

通過使用 AWS Mobile Hub,您可以為應用程式資產(如資原始檔或音訊/視訊檔案)設定雲端儲存。您可以將這些檔案設定為只能由您的應用程式訪問,也可以將它們公開發布並通過 AWS 內容交付網路進行全域性快取。快速入門應用程式還包括在您的客戶端應用程式中本地快取此資料,以避免不必要的下

AWS Mobile Hub價格

使用 AWS Mobile 時,您只需為使用的基本 AWS 服務付費。無需為使用 AWS Mobile Hub 或 Mobile 開發工具包而支付額外的費用。各種 AWS 服務將分別根據用量定價。每個服務均提供免費套餐。 (adsb

AWS Mobile gets Amplified: A new home for modern app development

In November 2017, we launched AWS Amplify, initially an open-source JavaScript library that makes it easier to develop cloud-connected mobile and

AWS | Amazon Mobile Analytics

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

AWS Marketplace: Micro Focus Mobile Center Large

The advanced Micro Focus Mobile Center software is a mobile testing and monitoring solution enabling you to test and monitor any mobile app or mob

AWS Case Study: Papaya Mobile

According to Papaya's leadership, switching to AWS proved to be a wise decision because of the enormous savings involved in moving from physica

AWS Case Study: NQ Mobile

When NQ Mobile was founded, it leased servers from a third-party hoster. But as the company expanded into international markets, that strategy

Appli mobile de la console AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Management Console pour iOS et Android vous permet de consulter, mais aussi de gérer rapidement et facilement vos

AWS Marketplace: Moovweb Mobile Development SDK

Moovweb Mobile Development SDK

Aws Dynamodb數據導出到S3

com 結構 tables create amr 成功 mon nag htm 本節將描寫敘述怎樣從一個或多個DynamoDB的表導出數據到S3的bucket中。在運行導出之前你須要提前創建好S3的bucket。 註意 假設你還沒有使用過AWS Data Pipelin

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POJ1195 Mobile phones 【二維樹狀數組】

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