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Migrate an Existing RDS MySQL Database to Aurora

Before you begin, note the following unsupported or partially supported database features that might cause issues with the Aurora migration process:

  • MyISAM
  • Temporal tables
  • Spatial indexes
  • Compressed tables
  • Encrypted tables

If your database uses any of these, consider changing or removing the features before beginning the import process. For additional considerations to take into account before starting the migration process, see Migrating Data to an Amazon Aurora DB Cluster and Migrating an RDS MySQL Snapshot to Aurora


To migrate an existing MySQL RDS instance to Amazon Aurora with minimal downtime, perform the following steps:

1.    Make sure you have enabled backups for your RDS MySQL instance. In RDS, binary logging is controlled by the Backup Retention Period option of the DB instance; make sure to

set Backup Retention Period to a non-zero number. It's a best practice to set the backup retention period to a long period of time (for example, 24 hours) as in the example at Accessing MySQL Binary Logs.

2.    After binary logging is enabled on your DB instance, create a replication user with REPLICATION CLIENT and REPLICATION SLAVE privileges on the primary DB instance, using commands similar to the following:


Migrate an Existing RDS MySQL Database to Aurora

Before you begin, note the following unsupported or partially supported database features that might cause issues with the Aurora migration pro

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