1. 程式人生 > >Change the VPC or Endpoint ID in an Amazon S3 Bucket Policy

Change the VPC or Endpoint ID in an Amazon S3 Bucket Policy

The VPC ID or VPC endpoint ID is not valid

If the VPC ID or VPC endpoint ID in the bucket policy is not valid (for example, it's mistyped or the VPC no longer exists), then you must have AWS account root user access to delete or edit the incorrect policy. You can't delete or edit the policy even with an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role that has administrator-level access.

Note: These procedures don't apply to AWS GovCloud (US). If you're an AWS GovCloud (US) user, contact AWS Support for assistance.

Follow these steps to correct the bucket policy using the Amazon S3 console:

1.    Sign in to the Amazon S3 console as the root user.

2.    Select the bucket with the bucket policy that you want to delete or edit.

After you open the bucket, you might see an "Access Denied" error in the console. You can proceed with the next steps even if you see this error.

3.    Choose the Permissions view.

4.    Choose Bucket Policy.

5.    To delete the bucket policy entirely, choose Delete

. To edit only the VPC ID or VPC endpoint ID, correct the ID in the Bucket policy editor, and then choose Save.
Warning: If you delete the bucket policy entirely, be sure to keep a copy of the existing bucket policy for reference.

Follow these steps to correct the bucket policy using the AWS CLI:

Warning: This procedure uses root user credentials (access keys), which AWS recommends using only for emergency or recovery scenarios. Avoid using root account credentials unless necessary. For more information, see Lock Away Your AWS Account Root User Access Keys.

1.    Run this command to configure the AWS CLI:


Change the VPC or Endpoint ID in an Amazon S3 Bucket Policy

The VPC ID or VPC endpoint ID is not valid If the VPC ID or VPC endpoint ID in the bucket policy is not valid (for example, it's mis

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