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系統技術非業餘研究 » R13B04 Add lock profiling tool: lcnt

在除錯版本下 這個工具可以直觀的看出你的Erlang程式所用到的鎖,對於診斷問題和提高效能非常有幫助.

OTP-8424 Add lock profiling tool.

The Lock profiling tool, lcnt, can make use of the internal lock
statistics when the runtime system is built with this feature

This provides a mechanism to examine potential lock bottlenecks
within the runtime itself.

– Add erts_debug:lock_counters({copy_save, bool()}). This option
enables or disables statistics saving for destroyed processes and
ets-tables. Enabling this might consume a lot of memory.

– Add id-numbering for lock classes which is otherwise undefined.

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系統技術業餘研究 » R13B04 Add lock profiling tool: lcnt

在除錯版本下 這個工具可以直觀的看出你的Erlang程式所用到的鎖,對於診斷問題和提高效能非常有幫助. OTP-8424 Add lock profiling tool. The Lock profiling tool, lcnt, can make use of the internal lo

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