1. 程式人生 > >Create a Simple Resource Record Set in Amazon Route 53 Using the AWS CLI

Create a Simple Resource Record Set in Amazon Route 53 Using the AWS CLI

                "Comment": "CREATE/DELETE/UPDATE",
                 "Changes": [ {
                             "Action": "CREATE",
                            "ResourceRecordSet": {
                                "Name": "a.example.com",
                                    "Type": "A",
                                     "TTL": 300,
                                  "ResourceRecords": [{"Value": ""}]
                            "Action": "CREATE",
                            "ResourceRecordSet": {
                                 "Name": "a.example.com",
                                 "Type": "MX",
                                  "TTL": 300,
                                  "ResourceRecords": [{"Value": "10 example.com"}]


Create a Simple Resource Record Set in Amazon Route 53 Using the AWS CLI

{ "Comment": "CREATE/DELETE/UPDATE", "Changes": [ { "Action": "CREATE",

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Amazon Route 53 pricing

The monthly health check prices listed above are prorated for partial months. Need more than 200 health checks? Please contact us.