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Product Details

AWS Key Management Service provides you with centralized control of your encryption keys. You can easily create, import, and rotate keys as well as define usage policies and audit usage from the AWS Management Console or by using the AWS SDK or CLI. The master keys in KMS, whether imported by you or created on your behalf by KMS, are stored in highly durable storage in an encrypted format to help ensure that they can be retrieved when needed. You can choose to have KMS automatically rotate master keys created in KMS once per year without the need to re-encrypt data that has already been encrypted with your master key. You don’t need to keep track of older versions of your master keys as KMS keeps them available to decrypt previously encrypted data. You can create new master keys, and control who has access to those keys and which services they can be used with whenever you wish. You can also import keys from your own key management infrastructure and use them in KMS.


IAM Product Details

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Product Details

AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides a unified user interface to monitor and manage the health of your applications. Application Health

Product Details

AWS Key Management Service provides you with centralized control of your encryption keys. You can easily create, import, and rotate keys a

Amazon RDS for MariaDB Product Details

Amazon RDS for MariaDB gives you full access to all the capabilities of the MariaDB open source database engine. This means that the code, applica

算法(8)Maximum Product Subarray

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238. Product of Array Except Self

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Product of integers

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628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers

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[LeetCode] Maximum Product of Three Numbers

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