1. 程式人生 > >Route 53 No Targets Available

Route 53 No Targets Available

Verify that Route 53 supports your resource

See Alias Target to verify that Route 53 supports your resource, and that you've configured your resource correctly.

Verify you’re routing to resources on the same account

To route to resources on a different AWS account, enter a value that identifies the resource.

For example, to use an Amazon CloudFront distribution as an alias target, enter the CloudFront domain name.

Check CloudFront distribution names

Before routing to CloudFront distributions, be sure that the name of the resource record you create matches a CNAME in the CloudFront distribution.

For example, if the record name is acme.example.com, your CloudFront distribution must use acme.example.com as one of its alternate domain names.

Check S3 website endpoint names

Make sure that the name of the resource record for your S3 website endpoint matches the name of your S3 bucket. Also,

configure your bucket for website hosting.

For example, if your bucket's name is bucket.example.com, the record name must also be bucket.example.com.


Route 53 No Targets Available

Verify that Route 53 supports your resource See Alias Target to verify that Route 53 supports your resource, and that you've configu

Route 53 MX Record SMTP No Email

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